Canada is better than the United States.
The Cirque Du Soleil "Delerium" performance was absolutely fucking mindblowing. By far the best and most intense stage performance I have ever seen, beating Tool out of the top spot. I definitely wanted to hunker down on this hot violinist chick, and perhaps learn her skills through some kind of hot osmosis.

Went to some random fetish club with katie1 who made it her business to dilligently point out every member of the male gender wearing assless chaps... without warning me. "Hey Rob, turn around." BAM! Man-asses all up in my business. I probably should have learned after the first time, but I think the shot-for-shot activities with her may have distorted the facilities of judgement and short-term memory. I think someone asked her for cocaine in the bathroom. Hee hee. All in all, a really good night. I had a lot of fun. Yes! With an ex-girlfriend! Have faith, O ye jilted! It is actually possible!
After the fetish club, we went and ate at some all-night place with this super creepy guy named Yan (who didn't seem very creepy at first, but impressed us later.) He graced us with a few new (soon to be commonly used) phrases such as "Can I watch?" "I sit in the corner, maybe touch myself a little bit." Use a shitty French accent while saying those, it sounds much more creepzilla.
I got a whole boatload of sick the next day, not really sure what from. My two guesses were either the pizza I ate as a first meal was just too much for my stomach, or I was starting to react to the stress of the two bloody-ragging bitches who reared their heads and ugly verboseness when their otherwise enjoyable counterparts ducked and ran. Or both, who knows.
Club Super Sexe never fails to impress as always, and we got VIP seats with a perfect view of the dancing stage as well as the private dance tables directly behind us. My partner in Canadian crime's girlfriend and said katie1 spent a good deal of time and American "stripper tippers" at the stage getting all manner of sexed up and duly undressed/molested by our combined two favorite amazingly HOT stripper girls. I don't think I've seen her smile like a giddy little child in a candy store since kittens were invented.
We all proceeded to get drunk and watch a huge chunk of porn back at the hotel room, my partner in Canadian crime and his girlfriend got their funk on, and I took a walk around Montreal while katie1, no doubt exhausted from all the stripper shenannigans, passed out cold.
The ride home left a lot to be desired, as an entire weekend of being the recepticle of all the catty insults and annoying, completely inappropriate comments of the two aforementioned bloody-ragging bitches finally exhausted my threshold for patience/tolerance and I started just wanting to let the hostility breach its borders and punch everyone in sight for the simple joy of hearing facial bones shatter. I opted to just keep silent and try very, very hard not to lose my shit. It actually worked this time. I'm kind of proud of that.
I'll also add that we had a lot of good food, particularly this amazing BBQ(OMG!) steak and French toast & eggs meal the last two days. And since I just noticed this icon, I'll add that katie1 ate like a little

As soon as I'm done being annoyed at the two females mentioned above for being dickwads on my fucking vacation, I can't wait to go back. I <3 Canada.
Oh, and I also <3 all the hot Canadian chicks who stared and smiled at me through restaurant windows. Very good for the ole' self esteem.
It's over!