I really hate going to weddings and there seem to be a ton of them going on lately. I always hate the cermemony. I think it usually feels really canned; the whole reciting after some old dude just kinda annoys me. It's this whole feeling of patriarcial tradition. Everyone has expectations about how a wedding should be. I think I'd crack under the pressure and scream at someone. And what the fuck does it mean to be married anyway. You get this little peice of paper signed by some government official and verified by some church official so that you can be on each other's insurance plans and do taxes together. I mean, if i want to make a commitment to someone i find it enraging how the government gets into the whole buisness telling me exactly who I can be commited to and exactly how that has to happen. I am in no way prepared to tackle the whole name changing bullshit. No matter what you do, especially if you dont want to take on the name of your husband and lose part of your identity, people are going to be ass holes about it and it's going to be a mess. And then we come to the reception. You always end up sitting next to some lady who can't shut up and can not have a real conversations. She goes on and on about how wonderful her wild flower patch is and how she can't belive your aunt cut her hair after 15 years, and isn't it cute how everyone knows that your brother used to dye his hair 15 different colors in college. Of course she has massive blond highlights, an off color tan, and perfectly manecured nails. You'd really like her to fuck off when she asks about your relationship status. I mean after all you did come without a date, and she can't help but notice the un-shaven hair you've made no effort to conceal. Doesn't she have a right to know if you're a lesbian? At this point you're stomach is about to explode from eating all this bullshit and then it's time for the family pictures.... which reminds me of how rediculous people can be with their cameras. What is the point of getting 10 million pictures of the bride and groom cutting the cake if you dont actually remember the moment but for fucking around with the stupid camera. i fucking hate weddings.
Weddings are damn annoying. Like funerals. The excess of it all is too much for most rational people. Besides the couple Gettin' Hitched, the only others that have a thorough stake in the excitement are the parents and the wedding party. Otherwise, it's a reminder of things we're told we don't have. I'm glad the next wedding I'm in I only have to play music (and that he's my age, so, Rockin' Music).