I need a beer. I am wound up with caffine. I've been drinking it all day. I had an extremely eventful day. I had lunch with tripwire211. I then went and took pictures of a friend out in the fucking cold for his band or something like that. Nosey, my gerbil tragicaly died. She smashed her nose in her wheel and bled everywhere. She was totally freaking out. I think she was bleeding from her nose and it got in her lungs and she was freeking out because she was choking on blood and suffocating. She died in my hands, and a friend came over to help me put her in the dumpster. All that bood and the loss of another gerbil was a little traumatizing. i then went out for coffee with alt115. I am now going to go watch a movie with the friend that helped me put my gerbil in the dumpster. As before, the day has balanced out. I met 2 awesome new people, and my gerbil died in a tragic way.
And sorry again about the gerbil...I didn't know her name was Nosey. That's irony.