i do not understand what is wrong with these co-op people. since im moving all by myself, i've been slowly moving my stuff into my new upstairs bedroom all week. i deffintately dont expect anyone to help me move my stuff, but i think it would be a nice gesture to someone that is moving in with you. I would deffinatly offer to help someone move if they were moving in with me, but these people just sit and watch me carry it all myself. I dont understand it. and then they guy that said "you're not wasting any time are you?" when i was moving on tuesday asked me today "is it all going to fit in there?" i promise i dont have that much stuff... so i dont know if he's jsut trying to make conversation or if he's trying to make me feel uncomfortable. I mean, for emphasising cooperation and stuff they dont seem to be cooperating with the new house mate.
have a good weekend