Okay, you're smart... we get it... now get over it!!!
It seems that recently I have run across a multitude of folks that feel the need to 'prove' to me and others that they are intelligent. Well, guess what people.... THIS IS ANNOYING! Actually it's not anoying, it's more amusing. See, alot of these sefl-proclaimed intellects are flippin bugers down @ MickieDs or doing some meanial job, because there highly enlightened degree holds no marketable skill! I find that alot of these smart folks have esteem issues that lead them to feel the need to belittle those that they don't view as being on the same intellectual level as themselves. Okay, so since I have lit that fuse, let me say this... No, my grammar and spelling are not up to what ever grammarical standard that we are supposed to be funtioning on. Yes, I went to college, twice even. No I hold no degree sans the one I am continually recieving from the school of life. I am by no means the sharpest knife in the drawer, or whatever other cliche you deem appropriate to describe my distinct lack of eloquence, or just outright crudeness, but I am by no means stupid! Yes I only speak one language. Yes I wish I had paid more attention, the 3 years that I took french... but I didn't. Does this make me less smart? I some ways yes it does, but overall it in noway effects my ability to function in the social mircocosm that I exsist in. I know some $5 words, can't spell most of them, but I am familiar with their proper use and meaning. Plus my typing skills are serverely lacking, so my point doesn't always come across the way I want. What I'm getting at here is, you're not impressing anyone! So piss off! Most of the time, I enjoy being underestimated, but there are times that that is just irritating!
Aight... I'm done... I think...
It seems that recently I have run across a multitude of folks that feel the need to 'prove' to me and others that they are intelligent. Well, guess what people.... THIS IS ANNOYING! Actually it's not anoying, it's more amusing. See, alot of these sefl-proclaimed intellects are flippin bugers down @ MickieDs or doing some meanial job, because there highly enlightened degree holds no marketable skill! I find that alot of these smart folks have esteem issues that lead them to feel the need to belittle those that they don't view as being on the same intellectual level as themselves. Okay, so since I have lit that fuse, let me say this... No, my grammar and spelling are not up to what ever grammarical standard that we are supposed to be funtioning on. Yes, I went to college, twice even. No I hold no degree sans the one I am continually recieving from the school of life. I am by no means the sharpest knife in the drawer, or whatever other cliche you deem appropriate to describe my distinct lack of eloquence, or just outright crudeness, but I am by no means stupid! Yes I only speak one language. Yes I wish I had paid more attention, the 3 years that I took french... but I didn't. Does this make me less smart? I some ways yes it does, but overall it in noway effects my ability to function in the social mircocosm that I exsist in. I know some $5 words, can't spell most of them, but I am familiar with their proper use and meaning. Plus my typing skills are serverely lacking, so my point doesn't always come across the way I want. What I'm getting at here is, you're not impressing anyone! So piss off! Most of the time, I enjoy being underestimated, but there are times that that is just irritating!
Aight... I'm done... I think...

the screw was on the wall!
blablabla haha
have a wonderful week!