Gods, I need to get some new pictrues of Yours Truly. That one was taken at random one night a year ago when I realized I needed something for all of these profiles.
If you're bothering to read my journal here, but not my blog <a href=http://argentius.blogspot.com>here</a>, then let me fill you in on my LACKING OF A PIECE OF MY THUMB. This is annoying.
I can still type, which is a good thing.
The piece of my thumb is stitched back on, which is also a reasonably good thing; we'll see if it survives. I'm getting awfully sick of telling people what happened to it, though.
If you're bothering to read my journal here, but not my blog <a href=http://argentius.blogspot.com>here</a>, then let me fill you in on my LACKING OF A PIECE OF MY THUMB. This is annoying.
I can still type, which is a good thing.
The piece of my thumb is stitched back on, which is also a reasonably good thing; we'll see if it survives. I'm getting awfully sick of telling people what happened to it, though.