Wow, I need a new picture. That one's getting on, though I suppose I don't look much different.

I don't update here very often, but argentius.blogspot.com sees a lot of my rambling...
ah yes the seattle rain.... it gave me a cold

Todavia te recuerdo.

Je ne oublierai jamais de toi.

Ex memoris meus, neque tu potes aberrare.


Y quien eres? Por supuesto, hay alguien. Si pienses que, por cierto, esa persona -- tu es, me puedes preguntar. Estoy seguro que te equivoques.
becuase the meetro sucks and im sick of only hearing people bitch and expecting me to be friendly all the time, people forget its my job not a place i go to hang out. and let me tell you, when you sit in your car and dread getting out to go to work and the thoght of going to work makes you ill its time to get a new job. And also, how much would you like to work 6 days a week at 6:30am for your summer vacation for two shitty jobs, one of which does not pay by the hour.
Part of the reason I'm such a terrible student is that I have a massive problem with FOCUS. The 'little issues' of day-to-day life and classes seem massively irrelevant to me; as an economics major, I'm constantly confronted with the 'big issues' of the world: poverty, death, exploitation, suffering. It makes it difficult to concentrate on my own petty little existence, shut off from the...
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This is the story of your red right ankle
And how it came to meet your leg
And how the muscle, bone, and sinews tangled
And how the skin was softly shed

How it whispered "Oh, adhere to me
For we are bound by symmetry.
And whatever differences our lives have been,
We together make a limb."
This is the story of your red right...
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My finger's gone from 7 layers of protection to 3; it seems to be healing reasonbly well, though it still looks pretty child-of-Frankenstein and the tip of it is almost entirely devoid of feeling.

I have a lot of other things on my mind, but as usual, I haven't written them down. How do YOU catch your thoughts, put them on paper?

This is the...
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Gods, I need to get some new pictrues of Yours Truly. That one was taken at random one night a year ago when I realized I needed something for all of these profiles.

If you're bothering to read my journal here, but not my blog <a href=http://argentius.blogspot.com>here</a>, then let me fill you in on my LACKING OF A PIECE OF MY THUMB. This is annoying....
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I think in this nonsense, my friend, don't you see?
And that's why those such as you challenge my sanity.

the words may be simple, the rhymes not too long,
but at least it's more dense than some popular songs,
either way, I have found, it's a strange malady,
I can't help but plod along in this silly off-key

A meter with a name I've...
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Here's the deal. I haven't updated much in ages. I took a sabbatical, hiatus, whatever you'd like to call it, from doing much on my computer, journaling included. But now I'm going to depart from the pen and paper, for the most part, in favour of the much faster keyboard.

Updates to follow, and hopfully a new picture or two.
It's been months since I've bothered with this, and I'm sure no one reads it.
If you do, though, may I direct you to

<a href=http://argentius.blogspot.com>My blog</a>,

which will be updated with far more freqeuency and inspiration than this.
you need to update your journal more often!
Deal. I've been on something of a hiatus from online life, scribbling out my ramblings with a PEN and PAPER of all things, but I think I'll get back to the keys.

Especially if you read it. wink
A slightly longer version of the Poe montage that amuses me so much:

For, being an idle boy lang syne
Who read Anacreon, and drank wine
I early found Anacreon rhymes
Were almost passionate sometimes
And by some strange alchemy of brain
His pleasures always turn'd to pain
His naivete to wild desire
His wit to love -- his wine to fire
And so, being...
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The brief period of anyone reading my journal seems to have died out.

Not that I've been active enough to warrant it.

19 NOV 1100

Well, this morning has been full of strange happenings.

Some of the corporate-culture homogenization stuff came up in Economics class earlier, it interested me quite a bit to hear people's opinions on it, though of course it was a short tangent from the 'real' subject matter of the class, which I don't even believe Polo is that interested in. I don't think...
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