I really need to get out of here, find a job, an appartment and start establishing meaningful healthy relationships.

The thing is, I need money but I want to do so many things -an internship, travel that either don't pay at all or I need to find a way to come up with money. I'm gearing up to start researching grants for Middle Eastern Studies...
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Ha ha, thanks for the tip!
To answer a question posed long, long ago... my hair changes about every two weeks. smile

Just pick up and go! Where? Anywhere!
there is no improvement that can help! plus i dont think i would let the guy wihin 100 yards of me ever again.. a cover up is in the works for asap. smile
Blah......... I don't do politics puke
But, thank you for your efforts biggrin

Nice pictures, btw!
I especially like the one of
the orchestra.
No, you?
Haha, LOVE the fetus candle.

Saw you're in the Coffee and Tea group and thought you'd be interested in my new business-- Vee Tea.

I don't know why sweet imagery is so pleasing to me, especially because I don't even like to actually eat any of the things depicted on my body!
That Mosque is so pretty. And France is kinda weird like that. People are all uppity about nationality which intersects with religion.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I remember studying about how there are people there who are totally nutzo about keeping the French "pure" as it were, as in just people who had been born in France. That some want to unite all the Francophone countries and invite in the immigrants from them and then others are going apeshit because soon the supposed balance will be off and the immigrants will somehow outnumber the people (it is a small country but I didn't think it was THAT SMALL). Hence the incentives to have multiple births. As if you can ever have too much birthcontrol, but I guess there are some who feel their nationhood at stake. So yeah from what I heard in French classes in college (about 5 years ago but still it was just beginning to get violent then) there's another reason why they won't build more mosques. They see those as being used by the immigrants from Africa. Grrrr. When I stayed there my hotel wasn't near the Mosque itself but was across the street from some special Arab building (had some really fancy art on the front of it) and it was being guarded 24-7 by armed guards. I got a pic of one of them. That was 1999. I guess things were brewing then too.

But even for as conflicted a nation as they are they have fabulous architecture and art. I really miss that from when I visited there. I have to go back sometime now that I'm more socially aware...that and it would be nice to see it without having to limp everywhere on a busted ankle. I sure missed out at the Louvre. And we didn't even get to see the Musee D'Orsay, which was where I really wanted to go. And we only saw the Centre Pompidou from the outside. But in the south of France we did check out Matisse's museum and I got to stand in Cezanne's studio. So it wasn't a total bust. And Europe sure is grogeous.

Any word on you getting out that way sooner rather than later?

Were you asking "Why am I here?" as in college, SG, or the bigger picture? Either way I'm little help.

I gotta start figuring out if I have anything I can sell. I just took an internship that pays pittance (but I'll have free tix to modern dance performances and resume fodder for grad school apps).

Wow that Gallery thing with Amy Ray and them sounds awesome! I need to find me some queer community round here. College made it so easy but I gotta get used to seeking it out on my own.

Thanks for the support.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I know I sort of unloaded a lot there, I was just really depressed. And actually I will probably have to write a sort of retraction because now that I think about it I have ALWAYS been more into gals, so it's not like I have much to be sad or annoyed about. I mean really everything pointed that way and for years I didn't even have to come out cause people knew before I did, and before I told them. So meh. It's all good I guess. Have to roll with fluidity and see if it comes back round to bisexual ever...it could happen.

Big big hugs! kiss kiss


Yup, summer minus Central Air equals SUCK. *dies in a puddle of MELT*

I write fanfiction, mostly, for anime and video games and the occasional Japanese rockstar. biggrin

(Dangit, I wish the blogs here had a "reply to comment" feature... I always get so confused and fear I'm replying in the wrong place. Maybe I AM. D: )
hahaha.. yeah.. they look like theve just been anally probed.. poor kitties.

thank you sweetness... i like the hair too biggrin blush kiss /

Europe was nice. I had a great time, although I was sick most of the entire time I was in Amsterdam. I took over 1,000 pics-I'll upload some later.

Currently, I'm looking at courses at GSU-cross registering with them will get me out of the house earlier. I can't stay here for long, or I'll go insane. My mother just finished ranting -a conspiracy theory...
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I look forward to seeing photos!

And good luck getting out of the house. But realize that won't end the tirades-- my mother in law just spent half an hour on the phone with me telling me she thinks Chinese people are stupid, and that Mexicans don't have good bathing habits. whatever
13 miles might sound like a long bike ride, but it's really only about an hour. and, in ithaca, the last two miles are waaaaay downhill.

i'm glad you enjoyed europe, but sorry you got so sick! what a damper on yer travel!

Lucky you, being able to study in THREE countries instead of just one! How'd you swing that?
SF is amazing! You'd love it. Great food, fun shops, perfect weather, cool people.

I almost went to school in Madison and may go to grad school in Montreal. We must have similar taste in cities.

I'm glad everything worked out for you. It sounds terribly stressful. Have a great time studying abroad!

(I studied a broad in college. She gave me an A+. (Boo! Bad joke. Sorry.))