So far, SIT is fronting about half of the cost for study abroad. I'm going to appeal my aid amount to see if I can get more. I'm still waiting to see about the college scholarship. I'm also checking out loan options.
I don't want to spend my 21st birthday drinking alone, so I'm planning on going somewhere. I just have to come up with the money.
Places that I want to go:
Nova Scotia
Noo Yawk Citay ?! (I watch way too many commericals)
San Francisco
I'm looking at the Foreign Service after school, but you know, the whole half-gay thing may not work out too well with a gov. job.
I don't want to spend my 21st birthday drinking alone, so I'm planning on going somewhere. I just have to come up with the money.
Places that I want to go:
Nova Scotia
Noo Yawk Citay ?! (I watch way too many commericals)
San Francisco
I'm looking at the Foreign Service after school, but you know, the whole half-gay thing may not work out too well with a gov. job.
Oo, I desperately want to go to Montreal! NYC is always great, and I'll be there by your b-day. I have some friends in Austin and they love it there. Sounds like you have a lot of options.