A while ago I sent an email to a certain rather well-known person requesting that she make a tutorial about a particular pole trick. She replied a week or two later saying that she plans to but will be making a tut on a different move first. I replied to thank her for responding and to say that I had managed to nail the trick I had spoken to her about and that I was really looking forward to her next tutorial - And that shes awesome. The response I got was "Haha, ok? Good to know"
Yeah bitch, accept a compliment with a little more modesty, or at least be friendly about it. Without fans like me, you would never have amounted to what you are now.
Yeah bitch, accept a compliment with a little more modesty, or at least be friendly about it. Without fans like me, you would never have amounted to what you are now.
As to moving. our landlord is selling our flat