so i gots me a brand new macbook pro. sure i'm now in debt. but i can edit films on my couch while watching episodes of full house.
i have more interesting things to say but if i say them i run the risk of of not explaining myself to a full enough degree and thus sounding like an intellectual wannabe who uses vague jargon to impress people. if i go into too much detail people wion't read it and will instead a) assume i'm a headcase b) assume i'm a whiny priveledged girl who grew up in the suburbs c) make some other asinine assumption about me. so let's keep things easy and shallow, shall we? instead of trying to understand each other and focusing on things that we are passionate about, let's roll our eyes at things we don't understand and wallow in our own anti-intellectual pride. or, even better, let's all be pseudo intellectuals who hide in academia without feeling it and thus not understanding it. without feeling how beautiful and awful and amazing these theories really are. great.
to all who read the above paragraph and immediately think "that's not me", i apologize.
passion and sincerity and being mindful of others. that's what i assumed people are striving towards. but i'm starting to think that's not the case, and so i have spent the past little while grieving this idea.
wow, i sound like a total douchebag. here's something that is awesome, to even the score:
so some fucker stole my bike, which i mentioned a couple of entries ago. so...i'm standing at a stoplight. minding my own business. and i look down. and the sketchy looking guy beside me is RIDING my BIKE. i know its mine, because my bike is custom made and the seat is ripped. i look around. its the middle of the day so i feel confident that if he does punch me at least there are witnesses. so i say:
arete: um, excuse me?
sketchbag: yes?
a: um, where did you get that bike from?
sb: i found it!
a: WHERE did you find it?
sb: at the corner of (insert corner i had left my bike locked up). the lock was just popped off of it!
*sidenote: WHY someone would take a bike that was clearly locked up is beyond me*
a: uh...that's my bike. my friend lives in the apartment on that corner
sb: oh!
a: uh...i don't know how this works, but...can i have my bike back?
sb: well, isn't that just.....sure!
a: SHOCKED!!!!!
so he stole it, and then just gave it back. effed up.
but, the BEST PART......
i hadn't expected to ride a bike home, thus i wasn't wearing mittens. i'm sitting on my bike waiting for the light to change, blowing on my hands because they're FREEZING, and a very pretty girl about my age walks up to me and hands me a pair of very cool looking woolen mittens.
a: you don't....
pretty girl: keep them (walks away)
mittens and a bike. fuckin A.
plus i can walk.
so life isn't so bad....sometimes. but why don't we all try to be compassionate people. its actually sort of fun. try it!!!!!
i have more interesting things to say but if i say them i run the risk of of not explaining myself to a full enough degree and thus sounding like an intellectual wannabe who uses vague jargon to impress people. if i go into too much detail people wion't read it and will instead a) assume i'm a headcase b) assume i'm a whiny priveledged girl who grew up in the suburbs c) make some other asinine assumption about me. so let's keep things easy and shallow, shall we? instead of trying to understand each other and focusing on things that we are passionate about, let's roll our eyes at things we don't understand and wallow in our own anti-intellectual pride. or, even better, let's all be pseudo intellectuals who hide in academia without feeling it and thus not understanding it. without feeling how beautiful and awful and amazing these theories really are. great.
to all who read the above paragraph and immediately think "that's not me", i apologize.
passion and sincerity and being mindful of others. that's what i assumed people are striving towards. but i'm starting to think that's not the case, and so i have spent the past little while grieving this idea.
wow, i sound like a total douchebag. here's something that is awesome, to even the score:
so some fucker stole my bike, which i mentioned a couple of entries ago. so...i'm standing at a stoplight. minding my own business. and i look down. and the sketchy looking guy beside me is RIDING my BIKE. i know its mine, because my bike is custom made and the seat is ripped. i look around. its the middle of the day so i feel confident that if he does punch me at least there are witnesses. so i say:
arete: um, excuse me?
sketchbag: yes?
a: um, where did you get that bike from?
sb: i found it!
a: WHERE did you find it?
sb: at the corner of (insert corner i had left my bike locked up). the lock was just popped off of it!
*sidenote: WHY someone would take a bike that was clearly locked up is beyond me*
a: uh...that's my bike. my friend lives in the apartment on that corner
sb: oh!
a: uh...i don't know how this works, but...can i have my bike back?
sb: well, isn't that just.....sure!
a: SHOCKED!!!!!
so he stole it, and then just gave it back. effed up.
but, the BEST PART......
i hadn't expected to ride a bike home, thus i wasn't wearing mittens. i'm sitting on my bike waiting for the light to change, blowing on my hands because they're FREEZING, and a very pretty girl about my age walks up to me and hands me a pair of very cool looking woolen mittens.
a: you don't....
pretty girl: keep them (walks away)
mittens and a bike. fuckin A.
plus i can walk.
so life isn't so bad....sometimes. but why don't we all try to be compassionate people. its actually sort of fun. try it!!!!!
The photography in your sets is always nice to look at. Not being boring is a key element in sustaining an interesting and eventful life, full of possibilities and, well, some future. A bag of walrus eyes. Some calculator key pad pieces. A tornado.
appy new year my canadian friend