Wednesday Jun 28, 2006 Jun 28, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email ... VIEW 25 of 40 COMMENTS surface: thanks sis for stopping in every now and then! i stop in here too, but i've been feeling quiet. Jul 10, 2006 laura_belle: hey sexyface. if you're not doing anything this august you should come with our mutual friend BecomingX and come visit me this summah. or if that not be an option, i'll most likely be in town to pick her up with the boy. but i'll only be in for a day or so, so time is running out.... dun dun dunnnnnnnn Jul 11, 2006
or if that not be an option, i'll most likely be in town to pick her up with the boy. but i'll only be in for a day or so, so time is running out....
dun dun dunnnnnnnn