Oven vs. Kazandra...an epic battle
I've been to a few interviews, and job fairs and I've yet to secure a job. There are some positive prospects which may possibly fructify my efforts. In the mean time, I try to keep myself as busy as I can. I spend a few hours on the web updating and tweaking resumes, and e-job hunting. After my head is about to explode, I gently close down my laptop and think of something else to do. I decided to make some cookies, not just any cookies but the most adorable and scrumptious cookies you've ever had! yes I am talking about delectable hello kitty sugar cookies.
Since I have a new place, I had to get used to the appliances here. Let me tell you, these are angry & disgruntled appliances. The fridge has two settings: frigid freeze mode or leaky crappy can't keep anything cold mode. As far as the stove is concerned, alas how I missed the adorable electric coils on the stove top. I mean what else could take forever to heat up, forever to cool down and god forbid anything fall on the coil while heated...it's like PVC burning...toxic fumes everywhere. Now moving on to the oven, that sick twisted bitch. It was the oven's objective to absolutely, positively burn everything I attempted to bake. Perhaps some of you have heard that baking is the most scientific of the culinary arts. Different ingredients, temperatures, and cooking vessels will ultimately affect the final product. Boy did I have to toy with all these components in a rather unorthodox fashion to finally reach baking success.
After many trials and errors, I finally figured out how to beat my oven. I chilled down the cookie dough, so the burning temperature of the butter inside the sugar cookies will take longer, thus cook without burning. Lowered the actual baking temperature by 100 degrees, and of course had to increase cooking time by 5 minutes. Being this meticulous not only paid off, but now the oven knows that she's my bitch.
Cookies anyone?
I've been to a few interviews, and job fairs and I've yet to secure a job. There are some positive prospects which may possibly fructify my efforts. In the mean time, I try to keep myself as busy as I can. I spend a few hours on the web updating and tweaking resumes, and e-job hunting. After my head is about to explode, I gently close down my laptop and think of something else to do. I decided to make some cookies, not just any cookies but the most adorable and scrumptious cookies you've ever had! yes I am talking about delectable hello kitty sugar cookies.
Since I have a new place, I had to get used to the appliances here. Let me tell you, these are angry & disgruntled appliances. The fridge has two settings: frigid freeze mode or leaky crappy can't keep anything cold mode. As far as the stove is concerned, alas how I missed the adorable electric coils on the stove top. I mean what else could take forever to heat up, forever to cool down and god forbid anything fall on the coil while heated...it's like PVC burning...toxic fumes everywhere. Now moving on to the oven, that sick twisted bitch. It was the oven's objective to absolutely, positively burn everything I attempted to bake. Perhaps some of you have heard that baking is the most scientific of the culinary arts. Different ingredients, temperatures, and cooking vessels will ultimately affect the final product. Boy did I have to toy with all these components in a rather unorthodox fashion to finally reach baking success.
After many trials and errors, I finally figured out how to beat my oven. I chilled down the cookie dough, so the burning temperature of the butter inside the sugar cookies will take longer, thus cook without burning. Lowered the actual baking temperature by 100 degrees, and of course had to increase cooking time by 5 minutes. Being this meticulous not only paid off, but now the oven knows that she's my bitch.
Cookies anyone?
Hello Kitty cookies!!
Dominate that appliance!