okay funny ass storie me and my buddy matt were out 4x4ing tonight and we follow this trail that goes all the way across the back of fountain hills so we come up and as where going along we pop up a hill and bam where basically in this guys back yard on a trail no wider than a fucking twin bed and all of the sudden the trail just stops theres no room to turn around and the hills too steep to back up it. so where sitting there trying to figure out what to do when i look over and the fucking owner of the house is standing there in the window watching us. so i said fuck it and tried to turn around so now were sideways on lika a 50 degree hill finally i get to a point where i can make a go at it and bomb up the hill so i drop it in first and punch it what happens wheels start spinning and we get stuck so i back out of the hole and make another run at it finnaly i get going engine is screaming tires spinning dirt flying every where it was great!

i ought to be online for a while... if i'm on when you get home drop me a line.
i'm just being the concerned, nosey friend.
hope all is ok.
*edited to say: i'm heading to the doctors here soon...may have strep throat.*
[Edited on Feb 06, 2005 1:24PM]
update your damn journal!
and hey, we should hang out tonight. it's the crappiest day of the year, and i want some distraction!
when you get this, you should call me or drop me an IM if i'm online... doesn't matter what time it is, i'll be up.