so im bored and looking for fap material and peruse by one of the sites i got bookmarked, when scrolling through picture sets i come across a thumbnail that i swear i recognize the girl in it ( yah yah what are the chances of that happening). so out of curiosity i open it up and sure as shit i do recognize her, its a girl i hooked up with from SG a few years ago. i know its her one hundred percent i recognize the distinctive birthmark and boobs, same with the couch in the background. so after laughing my ass off for a good ten minutes i bookmarked the set of pics and moved on, needless to say it can be a very small world some times.
so im bored and looking for fap material and peruse by one of the sites i got bookmarked, when scrolling through picture sets i come across a thumbnail that i swear i recognize the girl in it ( yah yah what are the chances of that happening). so out of curiosity i open it up and sure as shit i do recognize her, its a girl i hooked up with from SG a few years ago. i know its her one hundred percent i recognize the distinctive birthmark and boobs, same with the couch in the background. so after laughing my ass off for a good ten minutes i bookmarked the set of pics and moved on, needless to say it can be a very small world some times.