Last week of school! Sort of...
Exams next week, then 2 weeks of pointless skills building, and then 2 weeks of "Outplacement" ie working for free...
then I'm done. Cause it'd take a team of thugs with shotguns to make me attend graduation. I hate those things.
Still, today was my last theroy and lab class day, and that calls for a celebration.
I'm going to go visit the land of lights and colour for a while.
Exams next week, then 2 weeks of pointless skills building, and then 2 weeks of "Outplacement" ie working for free...
then I'm done. Cause it'd take a team of thugs with shotguns to make me attend graduation. I hate those things.
Still, today was my last theroy and lab class day, and that calls for a celebration.
I'm going to go visit the land of lights and colour for a while.
so not fair!! I dont end uptil the end of April