Wow... well as weekends go that was a good one...

Out fri and sat w/ friends enjoying the one day a year being Irish is a double bonus...

School's out and co-op is well on its way... I spend the next few weeks looking at bugs... and playing on a computer. smile

met a few really cool people over the last week... I doubt any of...
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Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone

Fun fact: today being a red head isn't a liability smile

Needless to say I intend to enjoy it, and I hope you all do as well

Super short post... in Toronto till Saturday. Spending the time teaching 4th graders doing drugs (after teaching not before), visiting friends , and engaging in the ongoing search for someone cynical but sincere...

ah to hell with it

I love this town!
Well it's been something of a false spring for me as of late...

I've finished school, but won't graduate till May, and wound certify till June, so there's an anticlimax there...

The weather was cooperating with me for two days, but the temp dropped before I could finish the project...

and the other day a girl asked me to coffee then stood me up.

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Don't be down. Girls suck anyway. And at least you're DONE with school. I'm pretty fuckin jealous.

What project are you working on, btw? Hope things go better for ya.
Well exams are over... and I'm into the aftermath. Two weeks of resume writing idiocy. I really hate this school.

On the upside, my co-op is at the experimental farm. I'm not sure what I'll be doing... but they're into some pretty cool things over there. smile

The heater in my shop broke frown so it's been too cold for me to do any work, that's kindof...
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Experimental farm?? shocked Sounds interesting. Stay warm, okay?
Last week of school! Sort of...

Exams next week, then 2 weeks of pointless skills building, and then 2 weeks of "Outplacement" ie working for free...

then I'm done. Cause it'd take a team of thugs with shotguns to make me attend graduation. I hate those things.

Still, today was my last theroy and lab class day, and that calls for a celebration.

I'm going...
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so not fair!! I dont end uptil the end of April frown
Very tired this afternoon, one of the downside's of living on a farm, even a decomissioned hobby farm, is the work. Paint this, fix that, refill this, shovel that... ad nauseum.

And now that the voluntary labour is all but done, and I'm all on my lonesome I'm bored and without much to do (hence updating this in the middle of the afternoon).

On the...
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shocked the morgue sounds extremely intrigueing.. a little creapy.. but death is definatly a curious subject. Hope your weekend shapes up a little better smile