The times they are a changin' .......
Hello my loves!
I'm sorry I haven't been around so much lately...mostly because I have been out having fun with my lovely SG fwends. Therefore, this blog and I have lots and lots of catching up to do
I have been staying with Renna and MattA for the past little bit, they are good people and some of the best friends anyone could ever ask for. They have been helping me get my stuff together for my epic move to London Ontario (more on this later). We basically spend most of our time smoking pot and making up ridiculous jokes that never get old...its pretty awesome. I heart them.
Which brings me to the legendary OBP CAMPING TRIP!!!
This was seriously one of the best highlights of my summer! It was just lovely hanging out with the good ol' SG Canada East gang and getting shitty.
As you can see, the weekend simply would not have been complete without my "Denis Hopper Easy Rider hat" and Smythe's beautiful sun umbrella.
I miss Smythe all the time, she is beautiful.
Agy is just about the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Luscious and I would roll up a doobie and go to the middle of the lake in my special boat to smoke and toke...and excellent way to begin the day!
Although those trips to the middle of the lake made me look like a patchy has faded to a tan...and yes, it is still patchy..
I tried so hard to mount that damn dolphin..
Luscious OWNED that flying dolphin!
I got the hang of it with a little help from the pretty Renna
Everyone chillen
l love this lady.
I have a magic wand!
I also enjoy the occasional drunken safari...
I had so much fun and can't wait for next year! For the full on coverage on this epic camping trip see Luscious' blog...there are some pretty sweet videos/pictures of dolphin mounting hehehehe.
This past weekend I was sent to Ottawa along with Shaddix, Renna, Nymph, and Porkchop for the Jagerettes on tour! A weekend full of inappropriate jokes, sexy ladies, sight seeing, and good friends
Nymph made us some delicious banana muffins YUMMY!
It's business time in the parking lot.
Drinking in the hotel room with the glorious orange wig..
I love these girls, I have the hottest friends ever.
Shaddix, Renna, and I, we are cute wittle bunnies.
We decided to spend some of our free time on an hour and a half boat tour of the city, the look that lady to the left is giving us is a prime example of the looks we got walking around in the business district.....assholes.
The boat was so relaxing that I fell asleep..
Nymph and I were sort of notorious for this over the weekend.
Sushi dinner!
More pictures of this weekend to come!!!! Such a good time, I wish we had more time to hangout in the city, Ottawa is beautiful!
I'm moving to London Ontario on Saturday. My new roomies are Luscious and Dane. Needless to say I am stoked. Finally some stability and time to get my life together again, I can't thank them enough. This is a big change, and I am going to miss the part of Ontario I am currently in a lot, but I can't wait to just stay put for a while, the past few months have been pretty rough.
I've said it before, and I will say it again, I have truly met some of the best friends I have on this site.
What's next?
Here is a pic from last year,
be there or be square!
Well, its just about my bed time...
Peace and love to all you beautiful boys and girls.
Hello my loves!
I'm sorry I haven't been around so much lately...mostly because I have been out having fun with my lovely SG fwends. Therefore, this blog and I have lots and lots of catching up to do
I have been staying with Renna and MattA for the past little bit, they are good people and some of the best friends anyone could ever ask for. They have been helping me get my stuff together for my epic move to London Ontario (more on this later). We basically spend most of our time smoking pot and making up ridiculous jokes that never get old...its pretty awesome. I heart them.
Which brings me to the legendary OBP CAMPING TRIP!!!
This was seriously one of the best highlights of my summer! It was just lovely hanging out with the good ol' SG Canada East gang and getting shitty.
As you can see, the weekend simply would not have been complete without my "Denis Hopper Easy Rider hat" and Smythe's beautiful sun umbrella.
I miss Smythe all the time, she is beautiful.
Agy is just about the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Luscious and I would roll up a doobie and go to the middle of the lake in my special boat to smoke and toke...and excellent way to begin the day!
Although those trips to the middle of the lake made me look like a patchy has faded to a tan...and yes, it is still patchy..
I tried so hard to mount that damn dolphin..
Luscious OWNED that flying dolphin!
I got the hang of it with a little help from the pretty Renna
Everyone chillen
l love this lady.
I have a magic wand!
I also enjoy the occasional drunken safari...
I had so much fun and can't wait for next year! For the full on coverage on this epic camping trip see Luscious' blog...there are some pretty sweet videos/pictures of dolphin mounting hehehehe.
This past weekend I was sent to Ottawa along with Shaddix, Renna, Nymph, and Porkchop for the Jagerettes on tour! A weekend full of inappropriate jokes, sexy ladies, sight seeing, and good friends
Nymph made us some delicious banana muffins YUMMY!
It's business time in the parking lot.
Drinking in the hotel room with the glorious orange wig..
I love these girls, I have the hottest friends ever.
Shaddix, Renna, and I, we are cute wittle bunnies.
We decided to spend some of our free time on an hour and a half boat tour of the city, the look that lady to the left is giving us is a prime example of the looks we got walking around in the business district.....assholes.
The boat was so relaxing that I fell asleep..
Nymph and I were sort of notorious for this over the weekend.
Sushi dinner!
More pictures of this weekend to come!!!! Such a good time, I wish we had more time to hangout in the city, Ottawa is beautiful!
I'm moving to London Ontario on Saturday. My new roomies are Luscious and Dane. Needless to say I am stoked. Finally some stability and time to get my life together again, I can't thank them enough. This is a big change, and I am going to miss the part of Ontario I am currently in a lot, but I can't wait to just stay put for a while, the past few months have been pretty rough.
I've said it before, and I will say it again, I have truly met some of the best friends I have on this site.
What's next?
Here is a pic from last year,
be there or be square!
Well, its just about my bed time...
Peace and love to all you beautiful boys and girls.
A lot.
You can do it later at the shop, we'll drink grog and go bat-shit crazy!