Sorry I haven't written in a while I've been distracted by a new video game, I'm such a dork. Anyway why is everyone having such a shitty time lately?
Anyway I have to go out of town again this weekend and maybe next week too.
I'm sick of traveling and I'm really sick of weddings. Why the fuck is everyone in such a rush to get married. Everyone is following the bullshit american dream; go to college; get a girlfriend(or boyfriend); graduate; get married; buy a house in superburbia that you can't afford; buy an SUV to pick of groceries with; have two point five kids; only get laid once a month if you're lucky; and die in dept.
Of course once a month is better than I'm doin' right now. Sucks to be me.
Anyway I have to go out of town again this weekend and maybe next week too.
I'm sick of traveling and I'm really sick of weddings. Why the fuck is everyone in such a rush to get married. Everyone is following the bullshit american dream; go to college; get a girlfriend(or boyfriend); graduate; get married; buy a house in superburbia that you can't afford; buy an SUV to pick of groceries with; have two point five kids; only get laid once a month if you're lucky; and die in dept.
Of course once a month is better than I'm doin' right now. Sucks to be me.
i'm actually doing much better these days. i feel you on the wedding thing. . .been to three this past summer. weird.
Theres lots of stuff to do actually! theres alot of good bars, shops, movies, everything. Theres Punk rock sundays at Malloys on westport road and southwest traffic way, and at the grand emporium on maine, and theres also the newsroom wich has an awesome juke box.. just llook in the pitch.. it always tells whats going on