Three down. Take that, Rodent Nation!
I've declared war on the mice in my apartment. Not only am I setting multiple traps --of the swinging, metal doombar variety-- in various places, but I'm also renting a snake and building a BattleHammer. If the addition of nature's anti-mouse and a sixteen pound bludgeon doesn't rid me of my infestation, then I may have no choice but to incinerate the damnable rodents using only my zippo and a can of Old Spice body spray.
Why am I posting this at 3:30 a.m.? Because my apartment is also at least eight-five degrees, and I own no fans. Hence, sleep is not happening. I think I might do as Harry does in The Frog King and put a t-shirt in the freezer....
Three down. Take that, Rodent Nation!
I've declared war on the mice in my apartment. Not only am I setting multiple traps --of the swinging, metal doombar variety-- in various places, but I'm also renting a snake and building a BattleHammer. If the addition of nature's anti-mouse and a sixteen pound bludgeon doesn't rid me of my infestation, then I may have no choice but to incinerate the damnable rodents using only my zippo and a can of Old Spice body spray.
Why am I posting this at 3:30 a.m.? Because my apartment is also at least eight-five degrees, and I own no fans. Hence, sleep is not happening. I think I might do as Harry does in The Frog King and put a t-shirt in the freezer....
Or you could go the other route and just bash them. One night I woke up at about 3:30 to a terrible racket. The guy who lived upstairs, I called him Upstairs Guy, had gotten really drunk and was chasing the mice around with a shovel. It was hilarious.