With finals week beginning tomorrow morning, my time on the site will be scarce for a few days. I leave you with a journal entry that will keep for that long: some of the words from (Canto III of) my favorite epic poem. Enjoy.
"The Knave of Diamonds tries his wily Arts,
And wins (oh shameful Chance!) the Queen of Hearts.
At this, the Blood the Virgin's Cheek forsook,
A livid Paleness spreads o'er all her Look;
She sees, and trembles at th' approaching Ill,
Just in the Jaws of Ruin, and Codille.
And now (as oft in some distemper'd State)
On one nice Trick depends the gen'ral Fate,
An Ace of Hearts steps forth: The King unseen
Lurk'd in her Hand, and mourn'd his captive Queen.
He springs to Vengeance with an eager Pace,
And falls like Thunder on the prostrate Ace
The Nymph exulting fills with Shouts the Sky;
The Walls, the Woods, and long Canals reply."
- Alexander Pope's The Rape of the Lock
"The Knave of Diamonds tries his wily Arts,
And wins (oh shameful Chance!) the Queen of Hearts.
At this, the Blood the Virgin's Cheek forsook,
A livid Paleness spreads o'er all her Look;
She sees, and trembles at th' approaching Ill,
Just in the Jaws of Ruin, and Codille.
And now (as oft in some distemper'd State)
On one nice Trick depends the gen'ral Fate,
An Ace of Hearts steps forth: The King unseen
Lurk'd in her Hand, and mourn'd his captive Queen.
He springs to Vengeance with an eager Pace,
And falls like Thunder on the prostrate Ace
The Nymph exulting fills with Shouts the Sky;
The Walls, the Woods, and long Canals reply."
- Alexander Pope's The Rape of the Lock
i wish to play with you in said game. are you on deathwing?
i feel exactly the same way about winter. the cold, it does not please me. only when the snow falls does my outlook change. this morning i awoke to whiteness out my window. happy times.
why aren't you my friend? i like how you write.