stole this shit off of URN
Middle name: Tyler
School: Colorado High School
Birthday: 3/2/83
Astrological sign: Pieses
Are your parents still together?: yeppers
Are you the youngest or oldest?: 1 and only
Favorite actor: Johnny Depp
Favorite comedian: Rodney Carrington
Favorite singer: UMMM thats hard probably Bruce Springsteen
What city were you born in?: Ft Collins CO
Country?: USA
Ever been to Niagara falls?: No
What's your favorite drink?: Captain Morgan Tattoo and dark cola
Do you like to shop?: Umm for clothes
Like video games?: Hell yyeah
Like Cards?: Spades junkie.
Like Asparagus?: Yes with lots o butter.
Like Seinfeld?: fuck no.
Like The OC?: With a gun to my head maybe
Ever been to New York?: no
How many piercings do you have?: used to have nipple
Any tattoos?: 10
Do you like broccoli?: Yes.
Are you a Harry Potter fan?: hes cool.
Lord of the Rings?: kill me please.
Star Wars?: uh i like the dark side.
Do you like Superman or Batman?: Batman cause superman is allergic to a fucking rock
Are you a procrastinator?: i'll tell you next year
Do you smoke? Far too much.
Drink?: religiously.
Do drugs?: only recreationally.
Are you a slut?: used to be.
Do you think Paris Hilton is cool?: uhh not in the least
Ever see someone die?: Yes too amny times to count.
Been to a funeral?:2.
Ever been a part of a wedding?: Yep my own.
Been to band camp?: wrestling camp in high school.
Is it anything like they say in American Pie?: fuck if i know.
Do you have a job?: uncle sam owns me does that count.
Do you like dairy?: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm cheese.
Meat?: chicken no beef.
Ever been to Sweden?: wish i had.
Do you always wear a watch?: always.
What are a few of your pet peeves?: idiots, racists, and ignorance.
Favorite flavor of ice cream: Phish Food.
Do you get good grades?: used to when i wasn't ditching.
Do you want to get married?: already am.
Do you want to have kids?: 2 and hopefully 1 or two more
What do you want to be?: a hero to my kids.
Favorite color?: black.
Are you Jewish?: No ummm.
Do you wear Converse?: nope not usually but i used to have a pair of green ones that my wife hated.
Shop at AE?: not usually ?
How long do you spend putting on make up?: uh never do that.
Ever wanted to be an astronaut?: hate heights and thats a fuck load of a way up there.
Do you like President Bush?: hes fine as my boss
Do you like the movie Harold and Kumar go to White Castle?: its about the funniest movie i've ever seen
How about The Village?: retarded.
What's the last movie you saw in theatres?: devils rejects.
What's your favorite genre of movies?: Horror but may be switching suspense.
Do you wear a lot of jewelry?: just the wedding ring.
What's your favorite holiday?: holidays are halmarks way of making money i ahte them all minus halloween even though hallmark makes a mint out of it i can't help but love the costumes and the candy mmmmmmm.
Ever meet a celebrity?: a few but am wildly unimpressed
Ever been to a country concert?: yes many of them.
What about a classical concert?: a couple.
A rock concert?: Perhaps a few.
Do you like to mosh?: i hurt people it's not fun.
Are you in a band?: the singing in the shower band!
Ever seen your favorite musician(s) live?: i wish.
Do you drive?: You could call it driving. I call it "Screaming at people while steering a car on roads"
Do you like playing in the snow?: yes.
The rain? Only if it's warm.
Afraid of lightning or thunder?: thunder is arousing
Do you have OCD?: hell na not even close.
Do you watch the news?: hate propaganda.
Are you sad this is over?: umm not really
have fun people
Middle name: Tyler
School: Colorado High School
Birthday: 3/2/83
Astrological sign: Pieses
Are your parents still together?: yeppers
Are you the youngest or oldest?: 1 and only
Favorite actor: Johnny Depp
Favorite comedian: Rodney Carrington
Favorite singer: UMMM thats hard probably Bruce Springsteen
What city were you born in?: Ft Collins CO
Country?: USA
Ever been to Niagara falls?: No
What's your favorite drink?: Captain Morgan Tattoo and dark cola
Do you like to shop?: Umm for clothes
Like video games?: Hell yyeah
Like Cards?: Spades junkie.
Like Asparagus?: Yes with lots o butter.
Like Seinfeld?: fuck no.
Like The OC?: With a gun to my head maybe
Ever been to New York?: no
How many piercings do you have?: used to have nipple
Any tattoos?: 10
Do you like broccoli?: Yes.
Are you a Harry Potter fan?: hes cool.
Lord of the Rings?: kill me please.
Star Wars?: uh i like the dark side.
Do you like Superman or Batman?: Batman cause superman is allergic to a fucking rock
Are you a procrastinator?: i'll tell you next year
Do you smoke? Far too much.
Drink?: religiously.
Do drugs?: only recreationally.
Are you a slut?: used to be.
Do you think Paris Hilton is cool?: uhh not in the least
Ever see someone die?: Yes too amny times to count.
Been to a funeral?:2.
Ever been a part of a wedding?: Yep my own.
Been to band camp?: wrestling camp in high school.
Is it anything like they say in American Pie?: fuck if i know.
Do you have a job?: uncle sam owns me does that count.
Do you like dairy?: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm cheese.
Meat?: chicken no beef.
Ever been to Sweden?: wish i had.
Do you always wear a watch?: always.
What are a few of your pet peeves?: idiots, racists, and ignorance.
Favorite flavor of ice cream: Phish Food.
Do you get good grades?: used to when i wasn't ditching.
Do you want to get married?: already am.
Do you want to have kids?: 2 and hopefully 1 or two more
What do you want to be?: a hero to my kids.
Favorite color?: black.
Are you Jewish?: No ummm.
Do you wear Converse?: nope not usually but i used to have a pair of green ones that my wife hated.
Shop at AE?: not usually ?
How long do you spend putting on make up?: uh never do that.
Ever wanted to be an astronaut?: hate heights and thats a fuck load of a way up there.
Do you like President Bush?: hes fine as my boss
Do you like the movie Harold and Kumar go to White Castle?: its about the funniest movie i've ever seen
How about The Village?: retarded.
What's the last movie you saw in theatres?: devils rejects.
What's your favorite genre of movies?: Horror but may be switching suspense.
Do you wear a lot of jewelry?: just the wedding ring.
What's your favorite holiday?: holidays are halmarks way of making money i ahte them all minus halloween even though hallmark makes a mint out of it i can't help but love the costumes and the candy mmmmmmm.
Ever meet a celebrity?: a few but am wildly unimpressed
Ever been to a country concert?: yes many of them.
What about a classical concert?: a couple.
A rock concert?: Perhaps a few.
Do you like to mosh?: i hurt people it's not fun.
Are you in a band?: the singing in the shower band!
Ever seen your favorite musician(s) live?: i wish.
Do you drive?: You could call it driving. I call it "Screaming at people while steering a car on roads"
Do you like playing in the snow?: yes.
The rain? Only if it's warm.
Afraid of lightning or thunder?: thunder is arousing
Do you have OCD?: hell na not even close.
Do you watch the news?: hate propaganda.
Are you sad this is over?: umm not really
have fun people