eegad... had a party right... too much fun... as defined by so much fun it caused trouble... what trouble im not going to say untill the statute of limitations is up for those particular crimes... but lot's of fun nonetheless... only 20-30 people... $250 of booze... loud music... and foam and pvc beating sticks... i think next time im going to havea dress code... one...
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Happy Birthday! smile
another one... as if any of you care

shades of agony... twilights resentfull conquest of those who dwell within... souls lost to light... confused and without their sight... we love our madness... without it we fade... tethered to light by those we wish to save... to save those we wish to never know... to never know what's in that particular shadow

just kinda popped into...
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dude your mouse is fucking hot love
Yay Pun! Pun had his 21st last night. So of course we had him drinking till he was gone gone gone gone gone. Then we had a party at my place. It was a good time. I put up a couple pics that had a cool effect with the glowsticks and the red light.
another poem... this one's not a good

sanity sucks reality is a scam
you can't tell me what i am
fuck your perception, your lie
you can't tell me why
fuck your judgment, your law
you can't see the flaw
fuck your convention, your stagnation
you can't break the cycle
fuck it all wait and see
nothing is what it seems to be

it doesn't...
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still don't have a title... you guys are such slackers lol
a poem... ready?!

Makeup Sex

Your beautifull fuck, her precious suck
your animal lust, violence a must
deamons within make her want your sin
force the pain inside her legs divide
inside her petite sweet piece of meat
ripping and tearing your vile sharing
covered in ick sick sticky and slick
shiney new blades her body invades
dragged across flesh skin so fresh...
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dude... this guys a nutcase
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... i really do wonder about myself.... but what i wonder more... is there ANYONE out there that can really handle me.... or would they even want to... i guess i need to be more direct with people and just get rid of the ones who aren't into pain and stuff before it get's too deep and the emotional pain starts... i have such a...
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