Well, I ended up losing one of the holes in my ears because I had to take all the metal out of my head for the surgery, I wasn't able to get the other ones in until I had a sharp object to poke through, by that time the other one was to far gone and I didn't have a smaller ring. I will miss...
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So I got my appendix out yesterday, yeah for me. Anyone want some Hydrocodone?
OK, tell me what you want from me, I am ready to listen.
i want non-consecutive, unmarked twenties in a black non-descript duffle bag outside of colstoe. put it in the grill and shut the lid.

no funny business
God damn I am freaking out bad lately. Something is coming soon and I have no idea what it will be this time. At the current rate, I don't know if I can make it 7 years. I no longer understand my reality. I thought I understood, but then it all fell apart, what I saw was a false image. I don't know my purpose...
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I'm back, don't think I will be able to sleep tonight.

So, add on to that other shit the fact that I started my low cycle with the bipolar at the start of this week and the fact that I may be starting another "mild phycotic episode". I swear everyone that wasn't there thinks I'm nuts. There are only 3, maybe 4 people that actually...
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I'm sitting here, back home, bored as fuck so I figured I would write a little story. First, why the hell am I back at my hometown, because my grandmother died and I had to go to the funeral, fuck funerals. I swear, this is quite poissibly the worst fucking week for her to die. I don't even know why I agreed to go to...
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