Okay bloggy blog, entry one here. So it's Friday the 15th and I stayed in tonight, probably will all weekend. I just feel I'm off my feed. Something's wrong somewhere. I saw a nurse practitioner Wednesday and even she said I didn't look my usual self. I don't feel it neither. I need to see a doctor but our family doctor is a complete idiot, and will just refer me to someone else. So in the stead of that I have an appointment with my neurologist in a few weeks & am scheduling another with I don't know what you call them, but to see if I'm anemic or have ulcers. Til then, lots of ice in my water, lots of hydrating, and some vitamins. It's turning into my favorite part of year, football season, so it doesn't trouble me too much to stay in and lounge around watch some games!
Go Cougars, Go Buckeyes, Go Cowboys!
Go Cougars, Go Buckeyes, Go Cowboys!
Hey! If you liked Poe's set check out the pics section of my profile! Be on the lookout for more!

Aw, thank you ^_^