Refresh. Refresh. C'mon, refresh. I said refresh. DO IT, BITCH! REFRESH, GOD DAMNIT! That's right, now submit. Oh yea. Back, back, back, too far, forward, wait... ... ... ... loading? What? Son of a...

Maybe I should go broadband. I don't know

I do know that this whole "staying up for a full week" thing isn't as easy as it was during high school. Especially...
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Fuckity fuck fuck. Where the fuck are my pantz? No really, I just fucking put them down. I need to find them, 'cause I just got called for work. God fucking damnit! PantZ! WHERE'S MY PANTZ!
I stole them! biggrin
Well give 'em back, devil woman!
What day is it? Jesus, I need to stop drinking. Why does my mouth taste like that? Where the fuck are my pantz? Man, this ain't right.

So, a whlie back, my now ex-girlfriend introduced me to her friends. She already knew my close friends, so she had to ante up (bitch!). Now her friends and I are good friends but she and I aren't...
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i am soooooooooo with you on the drinking issue. fucking a!
Journal, huh? I actually already have a journal, but it isn't online, and I'm not really sure I want to do this, but I was readin' the thing about the thing and it said something about being a "lurker", and I don't know what the hell that is, but I sure as hell don't want to be one. So let's give this a try:

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