Journal, huh? I actually already have a journal, but it isn't online, and I'm not really sure I want to do this, but I was readin' the thing about the thing and it said something about being a "lurker", and I don't know what the hell that is, but I sure as hell don't want to be one. So let's give this a try:
(Any day up until now since 1 August 2003)
Back in Texas. Iraq sucked. Texas is supposed to be hot too, but I'm freezing my ass off. Everyone keeps givin' me crap for wearing my leather pantz and long sleeve shirts. "Aren't you hot?" I'd like to say, "Why yes, don't you think so?", but I'm not witty. Screw this, I'm going back to DC.
(Any day up until now since 1 August 2003)
Back in Texas. Iraq sucked. Texas is supposed to be hot too, but I'm freezing my ass off. Everyone keeps givin' me crap for wearing my leather pantz and long sleeve shirts. "Aren't you hot?" I'd like to say, "Why yes, don't you think so?", but I'm not witty. Screw this, I'm going back to DC.