, it's been weeks since i've updated. ah the twists and turns since then...haven't been on here much, not at all in the past week actually, things are craaaaaaaaaaaaazy...
so, the big thing is - I GOT MY VERY OWN APARTMENT!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! signed the lease is painting day, tomorrow is moving day. (anybody wanna help? my friends are bailing on me left and right grrr) i've been stuck in my parents' house for over 2 years now, and to say the least, it hasn't been the greatest for my mental health. 29 years old, an overbearing father who hoards anything and everything...yeah. not to say that i'm not grateful for all that my parents have done for me, i would have been really fucked if they hadn't come to my rescue in a really dark time. i'll forever thank them for supporting me in every way possible through my struggle to re-stabilize my life. however, i'm working again, life is moving on, it's time to get back out on my own.
it's my first apartment i've rented all by myself...i'm pretty thrilled about that.
even though i'm sure i'll have plenty of you fuckers over as soon as it's presentable, lol.
oh yeah, and not to jinx anything, but that whole letting go thing that rickrolled and i attempted lasted all of 12 hours. just felt too wrong to not be in each others lives on some level. so on that front, there's been no pressure, we've hung out a lot, getting to know each other on a deeper level, it's been great. he's a better friend to me now than ever and i can't be more thankful...he's a huge support, he was the kick in the ass that got me moving to get a job (ritalin helped too, lol) and set me back in motion. who knows what the future will bring, but i'm not even worried about that, it just feels good right now and i'm happy with it. no expectations, just enjoying each other for who we are.
sooooo...everything feels a bit surreal right now...nothing like throwing yourself head-on into the future. sometime life moves ever-so-slowly, other times it's like a freight train barrelling down a hill with no brakes. at the very least, it stays interesting...things are really positive right now, i haven't felt this good about myself and where i'm headed in ages. maybe not since i went away to college 12 years ago. it's long overdue. time to start living again, and not just existing...
with that i have to go throw my laundry in the dryer, put painting supplies in my car, throw my dirty ass into the shower and be off and up out. IT'S PAINTING DAY WOOOOOO!!
so, the big thing is - I GOT MY VERY OWN APARTMENT!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! signed the lease is painting day, tomorrow is moving day. (anybody wanna help? my friends are bailing on me left and right grrr) i've been stuck in my parents' house for over 2 years now, and to say the least, it hasn't been the greatest for my mental health. 29 years old, an overbearing father who hoards anything and everything...yeah. not to say that i'm not grateful for all that my parents have done for me, i would have been really fucked if they hadn't come to my rescue in a really dark time. i'll forever thank them for supporting me in every way possible through my struggle to re-stabilize my life. however, i'm working again, life is moving on, it's time to get back out on my own.
it's my first apartment i've rented all by myself...i'm pretty thrilled about that.

oh yeah, and not to jinx anything, but that whole letting go thing that rickrolled and i attempted lasted all of 12 hours. just felt too wrong to not be in each others lives on some level. so on that front, there's been no pressure, we've hung out a lot, getting to know each other on a deeper level, it's been great. he's a better friend to me now than ever and i can't be more thankful...he's a huge support, he was the kick in the ass that got me moving to get a job (ritalin helped too, lol) and set me back in motion. who knows what the future will bring, but i'm not even worried about that, it just feels good right now and i'm happy with it. no expectations, just enjoying each other for who we are.
sooooo...everything feels a bit surreal right now...nothing like throwing yourself head-on into the future. sometime life moves ever-so-slowly, other times it's like a freight train barrelling down a hill with no brakes. at the very least, it stays interesting...things are really positive right now, i haven't felt this good about myself and where i'm headed in ages. maybe not since i went away to college 12 years ago. it's long overdue. time to start living again, and not just existing...
with that i have to go throw my laundry in the dryer, put painting supplies in my car, throw my dirty ass into the shower and be off and up out. IT'S PAINTING DAY WOOOOOO!!

i loved the costumes on saturday night. now that i know how close your new place is, hanging out with you guys will have to be in order before too long
Oh, I know, and trust me I appreciate the offer and very well will be taking you guys up on it.