Time for another poem:

Mourning grass (The light in my eyes see)

Yellow was the color of my eyes, just like the sunspots that dried them
Brown was the color of my hair, just like the dirt you threw me in
Red were the scars, like the blood that flows freely from my veins
Black is the color of my soul, like the painted nothingness...
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Well I just found out my grandma passed away, and I need to write about it. Easiest way for me i guess. so she was 94. it's kinda strange that when some passes away that's one of the first questions people ask. i understand the reasoning, but it's odd to me, i think a better question should be was she happy with her life. i...
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This is my wound
This is my pain
Let me bleed

This is my burn
This is my hate
Let me be

This is my void
I only see scars
Let me suffer

This is my life
Dying inside alone
Leave me in my anguish

This is my soul
Scathed beyond repair
Leave me be

This is my heart
Watch it break
Hear me...
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Suffering let's you know that you're still alive. It sucks I have to make this road trip this time without you furiously scribbling in your poetry book the whole way.

Linger with me, in my dreary drenched state.
Laugh with me, my time abate.
Hallow words, tempt my soul.
My broken sighs, corrupt you whole.
Brilliant in pain, my mind carries.
Destructive in bliss, my soul wearies
Undetermined sight breaks me anew.
They took my wings, but then I flew.
Upon whispered words, clinging to the air.
Joyful sorrow is how I fair.
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Well now, i am not so angry now. I still do not feel sorry about the human predicament. I have discovered the only thing that it can do to you if you notice it. Is make you angry. So the solution is, either don't see it, or don't let it get to me. So i've decided not to let it get to me. Anyway i'm...
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Alright, fuck all the dumb shit, fuck everone, fuck it all. God i am so sick and tired of all the stupid ass drama. I hate this fucking place i hate people, man i am so tired. Has anyone ever been just tired of it all. I mean come on, does it really have to be like this. Why is it that people have to...
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call me fucker.
Well, it has been awhile since i wrote on this thingy. so i better make it good huh? actually i have nothing new to report, just trying to pass my time 'til i can go back to see the family and my hetro-lifemate yay. i have recently become addicted to an online game. i will not say which one for fear of showing my geekness....
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haha, i know of which game you speak.
Well just a little while ago I posted a poem on poetry.com, it's called beaten, just look up David Dimond, if you want to read it. Not much else is going on, just thought i should update this thing, umm......well, have fun, and don't do anything I wouldn't do, which is to say that would be very little.
both of our wouldn't do lists are pretty fucking short. biggrin biggrin
Didn't know there was such a site!
Your poem is really beautiful! ^^"
Damn today is a mixed day of emotions. Here's my conundrum. Last night was fucking awesome. This morning, pukin' up the ol' stomach acid. neither one linked to the other. Bad sushi i guess. I have been soooooo busy with work, I have forgotten what it is like to have fun. With the exception of last night. Wo0t!

Hey I fucking love that profile pic it rocks!!! I still have never seen that movie, one day I will have to rent it. I am glad you had a good night when you went out ...sucks you got sick sorry hun Hope you have a wonderful weekend though!!!! biggrin
I am the rage, behind my eyes
I am the hate, of which pain lies
Cling to me you'll lose all hope
I am the force which death does cope

I am the rage, behind my soul
I left you broken, from your whole
I leave behind a wake of dead
I shed no tear for what you said

I am the rage, inside...
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huggssss ara!!!! biggrin kiss
give me a holler some time.
I just got done watching Zach Braff's movie "Garden State." the movie was fucking amazing. I never really have felt anything in a long time. this movie made me actually feel a connection with something. I feel so un-numb right now, i feel like i'm being torn apart by all these emotion that have caught me up in a whirlwind. i feel alive and broken,...
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Wow. I Just got more NMBC stuff. My friend saw and it reminded her of me, so she bought it for me, cool huh?

So she got me a Jack warmer(whatever that is), and a Jack hand towel, and a Jack C.D. case, and a Jack cell phone clip. Fucking awesome. I'm making out like a crook now.

Well, cherrio
hey sweets ... Hope youa re having agreat day!! wink
Jacks my fav, too. skull biggrin