I havent been active during these last few months, the reason being that I moved to Madrid and was very busy with school and work, so facebook and livejournal are pretty much the only websites that Ive kept up to date, but I miss SG, so Im going to try to be around again. I did another set with DiazArri that I cant wait to... Read More
Me set is finally up! although it is pretty repetitive, since I did not know that all the pics submitted would go up... and unedited :/
I will do better next time, I promise!
siempre uno busca a aquellas personas que te marcaron de cierta forma, es increible! pero solo es asi!
y entre tanto viaje cuando te tedremos por chile? jajaja
besos querida
Si postea los fotos luego de tu viaje!!
Tranquila, si estas preciosa y la verdad es que creo que tienes muchas posibilidades de ser escogido tu set, en serio! solo mantente positiva.
Muhcos besitos y muchos abrazos, y tranquila nomas todo saldra bien