hey look, a picture of me.
TodayI took a bus and paid my first month's rent. no one was there, but in the dining room was a notebook with everyone's name and a stack of checks. It made me happy to see that they are so organized and stuff.
Last night J started making out with me while i was on the pc, so i started typing stream-of-consciousness stuff as, well, you know. Then after i edited it (later), i went to save it and the stupid program shut down. Grr. not that it was great literature or anything, but i at least wanted him to get to read it. Oh well.
And in honor of the FUCKING BEAUTIFUL day here, What kind of smoothie would you like to have right now?
I want the classic: strawberry and yogurt. Yum.
p.s. papers seem to get easier to write when you have written about 3,748 of them. I think.

TodayI took a bus and paid my first month's rent. no one was there, but in the dining room was a notebook with everyone's name and a stack of checks. It made me happy to see that they are so organized and stuff.
Last night J started making out with me while i was on the pc, so i started typing stream-of-consciousness stuff as, well, you know. Then after i edited it (later), i went to save it and the stupid program shut down. Grr. not that it was great literature or anything, but i at least wanted him to get to read it. Oh well.
And in honor of the FUCKING BEAUTIFUL day here, What kind of smoothie would you like to have right now?

I want the classic: strawberry and yogurt. Yum.
p.s. papers seem to get easier to write when you have written about 3,748 of them. I think.
congrats on the check business - it's always nice and reassuring to know that the people taking care of that have their shit together and keep track of who's paying and all that. a very good sign.
congrats on the computer fun... my ex-gf and i would occasionally do that sort of thing to each other... starts off kinda annoying then it's 'oh yeah' and then 'what's a computer' lol
i'm all about the pomegranate smoothies right now. seriously. if i could remember where the place was that i was taken to, i'd go get one right now...
thanks on the musical taste... the massive attack is just really blowing me away right now. cool and danceable and arty and sensual and all that...
oh yeah, the glacier was in northern canada, a few hours north and a few thousand feet up from calgary. i think it was called the Athabasca glacier, it's at the edge of the Columbia ice fields... one of the coolest experiences i've ever had...