Sunday: J's transition:
J stoped eating Friday night, except for a banana because he needed to keep some strength up to run a Vampire game on Saturday night. On Sunday J took a shower, not because he was dirty, but because it was an appropriate preparation, same as the fasting. While he was doing that, I stood at my altar and honored the four elements/directions, and asked the Lord and Lady to guide me in being the best possible servant to J's highest Self that I could be, thus serving my Lord and Lady as well.
When he was done with his shower, I took one too. We got the necessary things together and went outside. Neither of us spoke as we walked through the woods to a big old tree at one side of a huge, rolling field. I felt a bit like Persephone leading him into the Underworld (I know that's mixing myths, but that's what I thought of anyway). He sat on the ground and I sat behind him, holding the scissors, and told him to let me know when he was ready. While he was meditating or thinking or whatever, I saw three crows fly by in a line (crows and three are both special to me). Then he said he was ready and we began.
I cut and shaved all of his hair off. It took a long time, but I did it. (I think that fact that I used to shave my own head really helped a lot). I stepped back and looked at him sitting there under the tree with no hair, and Wow did he look different. He is a big guy, but somehow right at that moment looked slight without his long thick wavy hair.
We each thanked the place before leaving, he in the way he learned at his Dojo, me in my Wiccan way of speaking aloud and saying "thank you" to the spirits of the place and especially of the tree.
As we walked back thourhg the woods, we held hands as the solemn, sacred mood dissipated. For the rest of the day, he kept running his hands over his head and giggling, "I have no hair!" He was so thrilled. For my part, I feel like I got the best parts of dating the same wonderful guy along with the best parts of dating a whole new sexy man--Yay!
He totally looks like a rivethead now. Large athletic guy wearing all black with a bic'ed head--definitely makes a much scarier image than he did before. Before he was "cute dorky goth kid"--now--wow. Soooo different.
It was so cool how we did not once sit down and "plan" some sort of "ritual": it all arose naturally. That is my favorite way of doing ritual with others: when we are just in tune enough that it flows right without needing to explicitly discuss each little bit.
Now, off to write a term paper, due Thursday. . . Whee, here we go!!
J stoped eating Friday night, except for a banana because he needed to keep some strength up to run a Vampire game on Saturday night. On Sunday J took a shower, not because he was dirty, but because it was an appropriate preparation, same as the fasting. While he was doing that, I stood at my altar and honored the four elements/directions, and asked the Lord and Lady to guide me in being the best possible servant to J's highest Self that I could be, thus serving my Lord and Lady as well.
When he was done with his shower, I took one too. We got the necessary things together and went outside. Neither of us spoke as we walked through the woods to a big old tree at one side of a huge, rolling field. I felt a bit like Persephone leading him into the Underworld (I know that's mixing myths, but that's what I thought of anyway). He sat on the ground and I sat behind him, holding the scissors, and told him to let me know when he was ready. While he was meditating or thinking or whatever, I saw three crows fly by in a line (crows and three are both special to me). Then he said he was ready and we began.
I cut and shaved all of his hair off. It took a long time, but I did it. (I think that fact that I used to shave my own head really helped a lot). I stepped back and looked at him sitting there under the tree with no hair, and Wow did he look different. He is a big guy, but somehow right at that moment looked slight without his long thick wavy hair.
We each thanked the place before leaving, he in the way he learned at his Dojo, me in my Wiccan way of speaking aloud and saying "thank you" to the spirits of the place and especially of the tree.
As we walked back thourhg the woods, we held hands as the solemn, sacred mood dissipated. For the rest of the day, he kept running his hands over his head and giggling, "I have no hair!" He was so thrilled. For my part, I feel like I got the best parts of dating the same wonderful guy along with the best parts of dating a whole new sexy man--Yay!

He totally looks like a rivethead now. Large athletic guy wearing all black with a bic'ed head--definitely makes a much scarier image than he did before. Before he was "cute dorky goth kid"--now--wow. Soooo different.

It was so cool how we did not once sit down and "plan" some sort of "ritual": it all arose naturally. That is my favorite way of doing ritual with others: when we are just in tune enough that it flows right without needing to explicitly discuss each little bit.
Now, off to write a term paper, due Thursday. . . Whee, here we go!!

I want to learn more about that.