well, um, knowing voltaire I'd say she'd be capable of anything she put her mind to. Aside from the whole stubborn thing she's mentioned, she has it going on upstairs. More than her journal lets on. I think don't judge a book by its cover applies.
And as far as music instructors and people who give lessons and work in that arena, I don't think they have the typical hangups that you find in shirt & tie corporate america.
well it kinda came off that way, and I'm big on the defeding of the friends thing
but honestly, the ownership of dreads and/or tats does not exclude one from the corporate job market. I work in a corporate-type atmoshere and there are two people at my work that I see who have dreads, and as far as tattoos go, who knows - I see some ink poking out from peoples' clothing but it's hard to say what may lurk beneath. Short or no sleeve outfits probably wouldn't play as well (at least on the first day of work), but that's hardly career limiting. Hmmm.... there's a girl in our vendor marketing dept. who's always wearing long sleeve blouses n stuff, now that I think of it I don't think I've seen her bare arms in the 4 months I've been there.... makes me wonder now that this topic's come up.
And as far as music instructors and people who give lessons and work in that arena, I don't think they have the typical hangups that you find in shirt & tie corporate america.
but honestly, the ownership of dreads and/or tats does not exclude one from the corporate job market. I work in a corporate-type atmoshere and there are two people at my work that I see who have dreads, and as far as tattoos go, who knows - I see some ink poking out from peoples' clothing but it's hard to say what may lurk beneath. Short or no sleeve outfits probably wouldn't play as well (at least on the first day of work), but that's hardly career limiting. Hmmm.... there's a girl in our vendor marketing dept. who's always wearing long sleeve blouses n stuff, now that I think of it I don't think I've seen her bare arms in the 4 months I've been there.... makes me wonder now that this topic's come up.