Woohoo! Oh, you said market you... nevermind then hehehe..
j/k, I'm sure that would be a blast, though the world of agencies is all about connections and such. I'm sure I could get you in touch with a real agent if you were so interested. But you'd have to remember that NYC is 'the city' and LA is something else lol... New England is indeed wondrous, but don't be afraid to give the rest of the world a shot, too. Sometimes I wonder where I'll wind up. I'm perfectly happy here and could see myself in the region for some time. But there are also so many places I still would like to see and explore. Ideally I need the fabulous weath (Bill Gates Rich) so I can have places in all the cities I want, and just jet around as I see fit hehehe...
j/k, I'm sure that would be a blast, though the world of agencies is all about connections and such. I'm sure I could get you in touch with a real agent if you were so interested. But you'd have to remember that NYC is 'the city' and LA is something else lol... New England is indeed wondrous, but don't be afraid to give the rest of the world a shot, too. Sometimes I wonder where I'll wind up. I'm perfectly happy here and could see myself in the region for some time. But there are also so many places I still would like to see and explore. Ideally I need the fabulous weath (Bill Gates Rich) so I can have places in all the cities I want, and just jet around as I see fit hehehe...