I realize again and again how sexy J is to me. It's sad that he never seems to quite believe me when i tell him this, simply because he doesn't belive it of himself. I want him to hear me say it and know how i mean it, that it's not "just because i love him" or some such crap. He is really attractive. The other day we were having some sort of unpleasant discussion and i was almost distracted when i looked at him by how magnetized to him i felt, he was so beautiful sitting there (it didn't hurt that he was wearing dress pants and a silk shirt) and i was so drawn to him. Passion. It's not merely sexual, either, that is a distortion: it is a magnetic attraction of my whole self, not just my body, towards him.
Tell me something interesting about your life, something you did that taught you something about yourself. That way in my many many free hours, i will have food for thought.
be well, Aralia
p.s. Waahh!! I just found the boots that Zoe wears in her latest set online for TWENTY-NINE DOLLARS and they are all sold out!! Phooey. Who needs boots anyway.
Tell me something interesting about your life, something you did that taught you something about yourself. That way in my many many free hours, i will have food for thought.
be well, Aralia
p.s. Waahh!! I just found the boots that Zoe wears in her latest set online for TWENTY-NINE DOLLARS and they are all sold out!! Phooey. Who needs boots anyway.