Today I went to a training for my part-time job. Then i drove to an interview. The other job won't be hiring until mid-summer or fall, but it looks good enough to make me consider not going to school this fall, something i have been considering anyway for financial reasons.
On the way home, my car started making bad noises.
The rest of the drive home was pretty nerve-racking as i hoped that my car would not die on the side of the road. When i got in, one of my new housemates offered my to borrow his car if i ever need it. Now how did i end up in such a fantastic house with such generous and awesome housemates?! I thought that was just so cool.
No other job yet though. I am getting discouraged. I am living on Ramen, canned food, and whatever my housemates occassionally offer me when they cook. My car is out of gas. I have about a week's worth of coffee left. What if i don't find a job?!?
I know, i know, i'll find something. You don't need to say it. But i am starting to get a little short of breath about the whole thing. . . there are just no jobs around here. I am going to have to start applying at Dunkin Donut's and supermarkets and stuff. Maybe i'll go do some of that tonight after i eat something.
*sigh* Looking for jobs sucks. Is it just me or are an awful lot of people around here looking for jobs lately? (SG that is.)
On the bright side, i have plenty of free time.
I have been cleaning the house to keep occupied, and to feel useful, and to make my housemates less likely to kick me out when i don't have rent money (that last one is a joke--mostly). I don't like grunge. I do like clean. This house stays pretty neat, so it's easy to take a sponge and scrubber to the places that need it, and it's really satisfying.
Okay, so my task of the day is to stay positive, stay optimistic, and stay relaxed. Gonna go look for my Kava Kava extract now
be well
On the way home, my car started making bad noises.

No other job yet though. I am getting discouraged. I am living on Ramen, canned food, and whatever my housemates occassionally offer me when they cook. My car is out of gas. I have about a week's worth of coffee left. What if i don't find a job?!?

*sigh* Looking for jobs sucks. Is it just me or are an awful lot of people around here looking for jobs lately? (SG that is.)
On the bright side, i have plenty of free time.

Okay, so my task of the day is to stay positive, stay optimistic, and stay relaxed. Gonna go look for my Kava Kava extract now

be well

oh, and if you end up working at Dunkin' Donuts, could you send me some of their coffee??
On the plus side, I got to meet a couple new ppl. And on the plus plus side, I was introduced to a really amazing sandwich shop that does all kinds of tasty food, and is decorated in a weird futuristic evil sci-fi theme. Seriously. A giant stuffed Cthulu in the back.
Don't feel too badly over the job situation. Yeah, I see a lot of SG peeps without work, but it's a sign of the economy. It took me 4 months to find the crap job I've got now, and even then I took a huge cut in pay. At least it pays the bills and keeps me in LA. I'm hoping to find something better down the road.
I hope you're having a rockin' weekend. My Friday was low-key, stayed in and did pennance (pennance as in cleaning and laundry) for slacking off. I like clean, too. I have a lot of stuff crammed into a small space, so even slightly messy is unbearably cluttered in my head. I'm in the process of freeing up some space now, I want to get to the point where I can invite over a few friends and there would be space for comfort.
Tonight's Coldplay gig ended up not happening. Well, I'm sure the gig's happening, just I'm not there. There's a fairly good sized trail of ppl who were on board, then couldn't make it. Understandable, though frustrating to think everything's back on track until 6pm the night of the show, then the phone rings... I was tempted to go alone, but I've seen them before and I'm too shy to do that right now (I've done it for other shows, but this was too big). So two perfectly good seats to a perfectly good show.... ugh.