Listening: Concrete Blonde: Still in Hollywood
Visual: my closet is half empty, because i took some clothes over to my new place
Dude--my profile pic is gone.
How lame is that?
saturday was a GOOD DAY with my honey. At night, at his vampire game, he wsa being all cute and kissing me and stuff. I LOVE a guy who is not afraid to be wicked affectionate and make me feel like the specialest girl in the world in front of his friends.
I have been waking up to my own selfishness lately. I like to send J emails or messages that say things like "I hope you are having a fun day today honey". Today it hit me *smack* how much i have to do with that. If i *really* wanted him to have a good day, maybe i would try to make sure he doesn't lose sleep because he is talking to me, when maybe i could save whatever it is for a better time. Yeah, maybe i hate waiting to talk about important things, so does he--but that's a sacrifice that i could makeso that he can get enough sleep when he has a long day in front of him.
I was thinking about how wonderful he is to me and how i don't see what i do for him that's so wonderful sometimes--and all the ways that i *could* be so good to him and choose not to, or don't even think about, started revealing themselves to me.
Now it occurs to me that i have to move out of here in four days, and i have to find a job too (cutting in to my packing and mving time) So maybe i should get cracking here and pack some shit up before i sleep.
What is an insight you have had about your life lately?
Visual: my closet is half empty, because i took some clothes over to my new place
Dude--my profile pic is gone.

saturday was a GOOD DAY with my honey. At night, at his vampire game, he wsa being all cute and kissing me and stuff. I LOVE a guy who is not afraid to be wicked affectionate and make me feel like the specialest girl in the world in front of his friends.

I have been waking up to my own selfishness lately. I like to send J emails or messages that say things like "I hope you are having a fun day today honey". Today it hit me *smack* how much i have to do with that. If i *really* wanted him to have a good day, maybe i would try to make sure he doesn't lose sleep because he is talking to me, when maybe i could save whatever it is for a better time. Yeah, maybe i hate waiting to talk about important things, so does he--but that's a sacrifice that i could makeso that he can get enough sleep when he has a long day in front of him.
I was thinking about how wonderful he is to me and how i don't see what i do for him that's so wonderful sometimes--and all the ways that i *could* be so good to him and choose not to, or don't even think about, started revealing themselves to me.
Now it occurs to me that i have to move out of here in four days, and i have to find a job too (cutting in to my packing and mving time) So maybe i should get cracking here and pack some shit up before i sleep.
What is an insight you have had about your life lately?

Good luck with that final paper. don't forget to eat, though. Sorry to hear about the sleep dep... yes, it does sound a bit like my existence lol... Although worth pointing out that I'm actually being good tonight... I'll ruin it at the Buffy Bash tomorrow, though...
Insights about my life? Hmmm... nothing good, I'm afraid... life.
LOL My mommy told me if I didn't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Just kidding.
I got you on the job search thing. I'm actually wearing beige today. Can you believe that? Me in khakis haha! Ok, I had better stay focused on this resume. I was thinking: perhaps I could just fax executives naked pics of myelf , perhaps THEN I would get a job.
[Edited on May 20, 2003]