Listening: the hum of the computer and the occasional passing car
Visual: My black lace curtain blending into the black comforter on the bed

I just dyed my friend's hair. She is Mormon and has a conservative mom, so she was really hesitant to dye it bright red. I suggested we just do the ends (okay, i begged). We did the ends and there was...
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I've dyed my Mormon friend's hair red before too. wink In the bathroom of a boy who hated her and wanted to get with me's mom's house. I love when boys do what I tell them. smile
Mmm. Boy slave. I need one.
Listening: Concrete Blonde: Still in Hollywood
Visual: my closet is half empty, because i took some clothes over to my new place

Dude--my profile pic is gone. frown How lame is that?

saturday was a GOOD DAY with my honey. At night, at his vampire game, he wsa being all cute and kissing me and stuff. I LOVE a guy who is not afraid to be...
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damn the site zorch that killed profile pics, my pics, and group photos...

Good luck with that final paper. don't forget to eat, though. Sorry to hear about the sleep dep... yes, it does sound a bit like my existence lol... Although worth pointing out that I'm actually being good tonight... I'll ruin it at the Buffy Bash tomorrow, though...

Insights about my life? Hmmm... nothing good, I'm afraid...

skull trilo skull
Yeah, it's perfectly ok if you choose to put me on your desktop (thanks for asking).
Hmmm...my life.
LOL My mommy told me if I didn't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Just kidding.
I got you on the job search thing. I'm actually wearing beige today. Can you believe that? Me in khakis haha! Ok, I had better stay focused on this resume. I was thinking: perhaps I could just fax executives naked pics of myelf , perhaps THEN I would get a job.

[Edited on May 20, 2003]
listening: NIN The Fragile
visual: pink and red cut-out paper hearts piled in the middle of my altar

Matrix. Matrix. MATRIX. oh my god.

I decided last night that i would have coffee in bed this morning. Usually when J and i sleep in late together (doesn't happen much), i want to get out of bed kinda soon because i am way past my coffee...
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I meant "shouldn't take too much." I'd heard that it was like Vitamin A in that taking too much could make you sick.
thank fucking christ somebody else digs it! I've been surrounded by the underwhelmed for days... I can't wait to see it again, stuff I need to see again to appreciate and hopefully understand...

That's such an underrated CD, btw. I think I may need to toss that in and give it a spin as I head off to bed...

skull trilo skull
oh my god. What a long freakin' entry that was.

I just noticed that i was really happy for a week, and now i have been really unhappy for a week. in fact, it was the very day after i said "i have been happy for a while now, its so cool" that i started to get un-happy.

Perhaps this means that the dosage on...
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nice smells....quite soothing most of them....I am sorry about your week ((((HUGGS)))))
kiss gentle
I hate when that happens... and of course did acknowledging it jinx it or did it take you long enough to notice that you only caught on at the tail end of the cycle. Rollercoasters aren't always fun...

I don't need the doctor so much as the pharmacy where I can get that prescription filled hahaha... that's always the trick, isn't it?


skull trilo skull
I hate being depressed. Well, i would hate it, except that part of being depressed is not really feeling much.

I feel like i should apologize to the poele who read this for being all negative, but i guess that it's my journal, in a way it's not here to please anyone but myself. . . which is not to say i don't want people...
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Good morning
Fresh start
ok, make that "bleary start" smile
here goes

and while i'm working:

if you could go to any ancient site (your definition) what would it be, and why?
what would you wear?
what would you do there?

I am going to break the rules and not answer them myself yet. That's because i shouldn't be fooling around on SG whatever instead i am...
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LA is huge.

Anything is possible there.
Cure: Japanese Whispers
wearing: black jeans, black hello kitty t-shirt over fishnet shirt, black sparkly jean jacket

dynamic dichotomy of inspiration and despair. The future sometimes looks so bleak: just year after year of the same old thing. I can definitely think of some things i could use right now: a good multi-vitamin; a really rejuvenating ritual; a reorienting psychedelic trip; true relaxation, not just...
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glad to hear you've transcended the stressfulness... and no, I didn't lose my job for zombification lol... I don't know if I'm that good or they're that bad but I still rocked at work... My vendors love me and actually seem thoroughly convinced that I've got a clue lol...

you mean the natural state of your face isn't a big smile now? you do need the rejuvenation program... get yourself to the right state of mind, then enjoy the intensity and pleasure of the fantastic orgasm. when done properly and in the right frame of mind, nothing in life is better. sorry to hear you're feeling the emptiness. you need to do something about that, trust me it's not a good thing to run on empty for a long period of time.......

skull trilo skull
A mother what? tongue

skull trilo skull
Update: a little later:
imagination + lassisitude = escapism
imagination + motivation = creativity
Stabbing Westward: Wither, Blister, Burn and Peel
Stting at desk with wet hair

I have run out of energy for this semester. I can't wait unil it is over. Then i will be able to:

sit outside and read a book for as long as i want
make a mobile...
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Massive Attack: The 100th Window
Sitting at desk

2 damned hours of sleep again... not so bright, trilobyte...

Your list should include taking naps. Or just stretching out and relaxing, taking it in, not having to go anywhere or do anything.

Fill out the forms anyways, late though it may be. If it comes back light and then you then have to either take time off or have a reduced course load, so be it. If you just blow it off now, you may be living with regret next fall and that wouldn't be so good. At least in my opinion.

Good luck making it through the next week. I know that on paper it's just seven more days, but as these things go it tends to be the pinnacle of stress with each day being longer than the previous.

Now I need to grab a shower and get to work... then come home and die again... On one hand I feel dumb for intentionally doing things that I know will hurt. It's masochistic and self destructive? No, I think I just weighed it and figured that it was worth the agony. Sure, that's easy to determine when you're not in the actual agony lol...

skull zzzzzzzzzz skull
Yup... hung out with the hockey player last night and started making out 1.5 hours later. We spent four hours fooling around, and then he had to catch a nap before work. I felt kind of bad for keeping him up so late, but I think he enjoyed himself.

Good luck with your papers. It'll all be over soon. smile
after this thursday, the only thing i have to do is study for finals and find a job. I keep telling myself "i will find a job, i will find a job." They will not all be gone by the time i get there. I tell myself this because it's too stressful to think otherwise, and extra stress will get me nowhere at this point....
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Crying. eyes hurt from so much crying. head hurts. Feet hurt because there is shattered glass all over my floor. embedded in the soles of my feet, too small to see. left hand has tiny wounds from where i smashed my hand into the already-smashed mirror.

When you lay on the ground outside nothing is bad. The living earth is around you. It is so...
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What happened!? You ok? Details, woman, details!

I've got my own story of shattered glass, lying on the ground outside, and feeling the earth alive around you... remind me to tell you about it sometime.

Everyone has moments of weakness, don't judge yourself too harshly. The people around you have that faith for a reason. So do people on the opposite side of the country. I hope things are okay. Take some deep breaths. Hope to run into you soon...

skull an erazor of love skull
Saw your away message today, and that sounds pretty screwed up. Sorry to hear you had a rough weekend, hopefully things pickup for you soon...

skull trilo skull
Tell me something nice, or something comforting?
Picture yourself, exactly where you are-observe your surroundings, observe your breath and every twitch, scratch or bit of pressure that you feel---now go out from where you are sitting and imagine that you are observing from overhead the block or immediate area that you are in; now imagine that you see the town that you are in, then the state, then the country, through the oceans, and pulling away from the earth to watch it from space as you float through the stars, without weight, without want, supported by a bubble of warm, soft fluid
So i woke up to yelling. The yelling went on for long enough to wake me out of a very deep sleep, and i realized that it was not just the normal random dorm yelling--no, this was sustained and obviously very upset. I went across the hall and opened the door to the suite, where there was a guy standing there screaming. I asked him...
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Strange situation. I seem to remember dealers at my former college being a little more on the ball. Or maybe they just had more class.

I got two citations from the fire marshal who said my dorm room was a fire hazard. That was annoying.
I woke up to my neighbors being loud in the back