About to go hitchike. In the rain. I love hitchiking, and i love rain, although i do really wish i knew where my umbrella was. Oh well. I'll be even more hardcore standing in the rain with no umbrelly biggrin

Love you guys, laterz (heh heh)

uh, yeah. take care have fun don't wind up like so many slasher movies.... shame you guys couldn't come out for cure night at trilo's...

hey, are you getting off your ass and doing the CD swap thing this time? Cuz I think I'm gonna be in on it after all...

skull trilo skull
I'll be cancelling my SG at the end of this month. I can't pay for it right now, i am too severely underemployed.

I haven't been posting as much lately, obviously. Partly i can only be on my housemate's computer during the day, and there are usually other things i would rather been doing. Also, i am not finding i get a whole lot out...
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You should at least come back to visit! I'll miss you!!
Just watched Donnie Darko for the third or fourth time. Compassion is the overriding message of that movie to me. When Donnie askes Frank about his eye, Frank has an opportunity to focus on his own pain. But he doesn't even comment on it; instead, he says "I'm sorry" for the pain he caused/will cause Donnie in the road scene. And eventually Donnie makes a...
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Oh people read it, damn you. Though I don't seem to recall anyone responding on the friendster invite... hmmm...

I have yet to see Donnie Darko, I've heard the title mentioned a few times and curiosity's getting to me.

Your request of your housemates isn't ludicrous. In fact, when PoopyDave and I end up getting the "phat pad" (our imaginary house in Hollywood), that will have to be one of the house rules.

skull trilo skull
I wasn't reading it...I swear.

aaaahh. . . shoe shopping. . . in this case, shoe browsing, but still. . .

I don't like to enter or open a circle when I'm full of negative, conflicting energy. It can end up being destructive instead of productive. That's when I meditate or dance instead.
I LOVE shoe shopping, it's amazingly euphoric for me.
Do you think my mom really is a member?

Woohoo! Oh, you said market you... nevermind then hehehe..

j/k, I'm sure that would be a blast, though the world of agencies is all about connections and such. I'm sure I could get you in touch with a real agent if you were so interested. But you'd have to remember that NYC is 'the city' and LA is something else lol... New England is indeed wondrous, but don't be afraid to give the rest of the world a shot, too. Sometimes I wonder where I'll wind up. I'm perfectly happy here and could see myself in the region for some time. But there are also so many places I still would like to see and explore. Ideally I need the fabulous weath (Bill Gates Rich) so I can have places in all the cities I want, and just jet around as I see fit hehehe...

skull trilo skull
Kinda creepy to think about it, really. Always possible, I suppose.
I realize again and again how sexy J is to me. It's sad that he never seems to quite believe me when i tell him this, simply because he doesn't belive it of himself. I want him to hear me say it and know how i mean it, that it's not "just because i love him" or some such crap. He is really attractive. The...
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Today I:

Got really into The Blue Sword. It takes place in the same "world" as one of my all-time favorite books, The Hero and the Crown. I have read The Hero and the Crown several times, so it is absolutely wonderful to be enchanted by the same author and similar setting and magic (in both the fantasy and literary senses), but with...
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Rock on... I love the cajun cullture and atmosphere (the whole random combination of cultures that have long since been forgotten, only to emerge as its own way that has seemingly nothing to do with its parents), but I don't like spicy food or seafood. Damn.

Good luck with the recipe, the book, and the real world. I'm off to work in my own real world (work around the house that is), and along the way figure out what's breaking.

skull trilo skull
kiss gentle
Today I went to a training for my part-time job. Then i drove to an interview. The other job won't be hiring until mid-summer or fall, but it looks good enough to make me consider not going to school this fall, something i have been considering anyway for financial reasons.

On the way home, my car started making bad noises. frown The rest of the drive...
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looking for jobs is hell. I feel your pain--it took me forever to find a job here. However trite it sounds, yes you will find one, and I do think things happen for a reason....

oh, and if you end up working at Dunkin' Donuts, could you send me some of their coffee?? wink
Yeah, so I'm the person who sucks ass... sorry for having to bail in the midst of things, but aside from hassles with installing stuff my Thursday plans suddenly unraveled, then came together, then fell apart again. The evening overall was an excercise in sleep deprivation.

On the plus side, I got to meet a couple new ppl. And on the plus plus side, I was introduced to a really amazing sandwich shop that does all kinds of tasty food, and is decorated in a weird futuristic evil sci-fi theme. Seriously. A giant stuffed Cthulu in the back.

Don't feel too badly over the job situation. Yeah, I see a lot of SG peeps without work, but it's a sign of the economy. It took me 4 months to find the crap job I've got now, and even then I took a huge cut in pay. At least it pays the bills and keeps me in LA. I'm hoping to find something better down the road.

I hope you're having a rockin' weekend. My Friday was low-key, stayed in and did pennance (pennance as in cleaning and laundry) for slacking off. I like clean, too. I have a lot of stuff crammed into a small space, so even slightly messy is unbearably cluttered in my head. I'm in the process of freeing up some space now, I want to get to the point where I can invite over a few friends and there would be space for comfort.

Tonight's Coldplay gig ended up not happening. Well, I'm sure the gig's happening, just I'm not there. There's a fairly good sized trail of ppl who were on board, then couldn't make it. Understandable, though frustrating to think everything's back on track until 6pm the night of the show, then the phone rings... I was tempted to go alone, but I've seen them before and I'm too shy to do that right now (I've done it for other shows, but this was too big). So two perfectly good seats to a perfectly good show.... ugh.

skull trilo skull
Woke up this morning thinking about tea ceremony. Thinking of J and i living together and getting up fresh and early and doing tea ceremony before the day begins. How different that would be than setting one's alarm for the latest possible moment and doing the least necessary in order to run out of the house and get to work. A nice thought for someday....
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it is a small town, I wouldn't be suprised if we had mutual friends there
I woke up this morning to a phone call. I hate it when that happens because it's usually a salesman or something really dumb like that, but it was someone I like, so it made it all good.

We both like shaved headed men, how funny!
In my new house now. It's pretty great. I have been stressed out about not having June's rent though, since i am not yet working, but my roomate told me today that he could lend it to me.

But, just when i was wishing and wishing i had some money, I got an email from my photgrapher saying he wants to have me come...
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I guess i've never gone to haven cause i'm not really goth. I know you don't have to be. I like a lot of the music, but none of my friends really go. So its weird going somewhere by myself. But the girl i'm living with this summer is more goth and metal and stuff so I suppose i'd have someone to go with then. Well whatever. Sorry I don't have a journal to comment on. I can't really think of much to say that I want people to read. I don't know the first thing about having online friends.
I have some really good friends in your town...

fave set? katie get dark or charlotte first
Dream last night:

I was talking with a woman, in line somewhere, maybe at a restaurant waiting for either food (lunch-counter-style) or tables. We were passing acquaintances but not friends. She said something like, "So you're Goth, right? I've been wanting to ask you about that." She was a bit suspicious and curious, obviously had "Satan-worshipping disturbed child" ideas about the whole thing. I said...
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Last night J and i went and saw X2. It was okay--i would rather have seen Matrix again. But J really wanted to see X-men, so that's totally fine.

Last night i asked him what he thought of the bondage photos of me that he finally saw. I got two main things out of the conversation:

For one thing, he doesn't seem to care about...
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don't forget to work in the grillin' and drinkin' when watching the dvd (before heading off for reloaded).

What'd ya think of X2? Better than the first, or you just weren't all that into it?

I don't know what comments I could make to you re: the Jay situation. Everybody's different, I suppose. And there are no rules that say you guys have to enjoy all the same things. My own experience has taught me that for me, we can be completely different people but I think the core interests need to be shared. Again though, that's my experience...

Most importantly, congrats on the finishing of the semester!!!!

skull trilo skull
Was that jerktastic of me to sign right off before coughing up my fave? Yeah... we watched 5 or 6 episodes while gabbing and laughing and eating and drinking... I forgot just how stupidly fun that show was, and Gonzo with the horn at the end of the opening credits hahaha. Animal was always my favorite, though. He never got enough airtime as far as I'm concerned.

skull trilo skull