While @delilahjayne is right, if you wait until the end you might have already lost it. From beginning to end be clear about why you want (and are perfect for) this job in particular.
This is the process I follow for every interview I go for :) Get your Resume suited to the job role, take a copy with you Do some background research on the company how old is it? where and when did is start?Get some interesting facts to potentially throw in so theinterviewer will know you have done research Get the name of the person that will be interviewing you,stalk them on google, Find out a bit about them if possible, what their interestsetc, this is just in case you might have something in common and can slip itinto the conversation ;) First Question is usually Hi xxxx , so tell me a bit about yourself? This is an open ended question and the most important one.The interviewer will try to get a feel for you and your personality and anintroduction into who you are. Spend 3 - 5 minutes on this questionbreifly mention your interest and love for Gaming, quickcouple lines on your history with itGive a bit of your previous work roles information anddescribe where you worked and what you did at each role really quickly to fillthe 3 - 5 minute answer Get 10 - 15 most common interview questions and answers fromGoogle - Ask your partner or friend or even look in the mirror andrehearse, ask yourself the question and say the prepared answer out loud whilewatching someone else or yourself in the mirror if you prefer to do this alone This will give you a feel for how well you are answering thequestions and how you are presenting yourself accross to the interviewers Any questions hit me up ;) I only joined SG to follow you as I love your youtubechannel :)