uch - caught in my own web right now. wHy Do mY oWn wOrDs lOoK cRaZy tO mE? ah, well, just wanted to pop in for a quick love buzz. i hope everyone is having a fabulous day. other than hating everything i have ever written, today is a good day. YAY.
my, i'm boring these days.
my, i'm boring these days.
I know that you are what you are, and that you need no hero worship from me to make your life better, but you know that i am a fan, and always will be.
Thanks for the phone call, it made for some killer conversation, you will have to torture me to make me talk though. Better yet, torture Buddha and i will spill the beans.
Thinking of you and smiling like a fiend.
no sane defense counsel implies with his/her own questioning that his/her client is a bitch, which is what the defense lawyer did here. bad questioning, but not something you will read or learn in first year of law school