greetings my beloveds. i am utterly exausted, but i missed you all dearly so i had to catch up. so, what's the haps, you ask?
in news of the weird, i am at a support garment crossroads. what is that, you ask? well, basically i need new skivvies and want to adopt a whole new lingerie style. sounds cool, you say. well, yes and no. i am into this ruffly, pin-up stuff that is suddenly everywhere, but the stuff does not fit under clothing so well. tragic, yes? since i've no occaision to were simply the skivs, it must actually be practical. i found any number of cute lil tap pants ensembles, but alas, the clothing issue reemerges. same with applique bras et all. anyway, this not really all that taxing line of though utterly absorbed me whilst standing in front of the pile of clean clothes i finally created from the previous pile of boxes.
btw, if this is incoherent, many pardons. i am rather incoherent myself.
moving on ... so i have been unpacking for the last few days. the place is looking quite lovely. i am a glutton for sunlight. now both my bedroom and what i have turned into my office space are an orgy of sunlight. today was 74 degrees, so we opened the windows and back door to go all sorts of fifth dimension and let the sunshine in. i am most pleased.
one of the few remaining boxes in my shrine stuff. i don't have tons of stuff, just odds, ends, and odder still ends. i just cannot remember where it was before and think i want a change anyway. for now i thinki am too uncentered to properly place things. perhaps later.
there is more, but i have two family members in significantly ill health and i just got a call. uch, must attend to this bit of new year sadness.
whenst i return i will tell you all about my night of drag bingo! fun stuff.
love to all of you!
in news of the weird, i am at a support garment crossroads. what is that, you ask? well, basically i need new skivvies and want to adopt a whole new lingerie style. sounds cool, you say. well, yes and no. i am into this ruffly, pin-up stuff that is suddenly everywhere, but the stuff does not fit under clothing so well. tragic, yes? since i've no occaision to were simply the skivs, it must actually be practical. i found any number of cute lil tap pants ensembles, but alas, the clothing issue reemerges. same with applique bras et all. anyway, this not really all that taxing line of though utterly absorbed me whilst standing in front of the pile of clean clothes i finally created from the previous pile of boxes.
btw, if this is incoherent, many pardons. i am rather incoherent myself.
moving on ... so i have been unpacking for the last few days. the place is looking quite lovely. i am a glutton for sunlight. now both my bedroom and what i have turned into my office space are an orgy of sunlight. today was 74 degrees, so we opened the windows and back door to go all sorts of fifth dimension and let the sunshine in. i am most pleased.
one of the few remaining boxes in my shrine stuff. i don't have tons of stuff, just odds, ends, and odder still ends. i just cannot remember where it was before and think i want a change anyway. for now i thinki am too uncentered to properly place things. perhaps later.
there is more, but i have two family members in significantly ill health and i just got a call. uch, must attend to this bit of new year sadness.
whenst i return i will tell you all about my night of drag bingo! fun stuff.
love to all of you!

Ever been walking through the woods in the pitch black darkness and feel one web break across your face? I can't describe to you the fright and hysteria..... Nothing to do but keep ur mouth shut and continue on...............
Fuckin' sux my ass.........................
edited to say:
Ever see that scene in Ace Ventura where he's so afraid of bats, and has to go into that cave full of bats and he comes running out like a spaz swatting all over his body and screaming, "THEY'RE IN MY HAIR!!! THEY'RE IN MY HAIR!!!"?
It's like that.
[Edited on Jan 04, 2004 9:57AM]
CHAIN MAIL underwear...... It solves all problems. I swear it does. Chain mail is way cool, tough, gives off the right look, support, and protection. It fits under clothes, its easily repairable (some pliers and a dog collar), totally customizable (remove a few links here, add a few there) will last forever, easy to clean, and it gives the wearer +2 to charisma and armor class. Airport security could pose a small problem, but at least you would give them something to talk about for a couple decades, and just think of the eye candy factor alone.
Its something to consider
Sunshine rules!
As far as the New Year sadness goes, just remember if you get feeling down, that you have an army of friends behind you wishing you well, being there just for you. Close your eyes and just think of the awesome power that is, to know that all of us are there in spirit to help you thru the tough times my dear. Its a wonderful feeling isnt it?
Peace to you and yours, hope to hear from you soon.