it is too late for night and too early for morning - isn't this supposedly sleep time. or at least, be awake for a better reason than sleeplessness time. but alas ...
thanks for the good thoughts on the ol' lip ring idea. i checked it out, and it would be allowed, but frowned upon.
ahhh, well, that is why one checks these things, no? i am not ready for a new tattoo yet, so i may just go over an old one. or maybe redye my bangs. i like the orange alot, but blue is nice. or pink. just want to do something for the new year == a change of some sort.
how are you guys celebrating the new year (if you are)?
i am actually moving on the 31st, so that will not be a big bang out day or anything. never have really been into the public dislpay of new years. however, a nice ceremony of some sort to release the old and open up to the new can be cool. perhaps i will get some candles and a burning bowl and formulate something for the new place. hmmmmmm.
my brain is too dead to think properly. sooooo tired. yet, awake. meh. reading sometimes works - never figured out why that is ... until later.
thanks for the good thoughts on the ol' lip ring idea. i checked it out, and it would be allowed, but frowned upon.

how are you guys celebrating the new year (if you are)?
i am actually moving on the 31st, so that will not be a big bang out day or anything. never have really been into the public dislpay of new years. however, a nice ceremony of some sort to release the old and open up to the new can be cool. perhaps i will get some candles and a burning bowl and formulate something for the new place. hmmmmmm.
my brain is too dead to think properly. sooooo tired. yet, awake. meh. reading sometimes works - never figured out why that is ... until later.
and yes, slang, variant english, or non-standard english does indedd have rules. That's why when they have the big joke of the white guy trying to speak jive it's funny- it's not just incorrect grammer, it's a different set of rules.
there are etymologies of many slang or new words. there are whole dictionaries of them. in terms of study of the grammer structures,I think those exist too, but are mnore difficult to find, since they are heavier reading.
reading grammer books is great for learning gramatical terms, but not so great for actual patterns. the formal study of grammer is actually more difficult than just knowing what's correct. Most of us already do.
I think reading is the best way to learn grammer- reading anything. you learn the rules indirectly.
second best is the study of a foreign language. then you have to learn grammatical terms.
happy holidays!
I know how you feel about wanting a sort of new years change. I need to re-dye my roots...
this is weeble and bob, and they like pie. they are best apreciated if you start at the beginning... weebl and bob
personally, I like strawberry rhubarb the best....