ok, so i have one last paper before the term ends. woohoo! i cannot wait for winter break. i will finally get to indulge in books that i want to re/read. delightfulness.
books are truly one of the greatest pleasures in life. mind, many is the somatic pleasure that i enjoy, but reading is this abstract imaginary, yet totally real activity. there is an existential duality - you are you, you are character. hmmm, maybe even more than that, because you are you-as-you/reader, character-as-character/read, you-as-character(s)/co-performer.
whew! you could blow a brain cell thinking about it too much.
i love song lyrics for the same reason. hearing exACTly what you (or not you) felt/said/experienced/thought set to music is this transformative event. i cannot remember who said this, but empathy is when your consciousness proceeds from the me to the not me to the not-not me. or some such thing. i still get my theory a bit muddled. ah, well, i will sort it all through.
empathic knowing ... concept to pursue further into my thesis work. for now i must go write my grunty philosophy paper.
until later -
books are truly one of the greatest pleasures in life. mind, many is the somatic pleasure that i enjoy, but reading is this abstract imaginary, yet totally real activity. there is an existential duality - you are you, you are character. hmmm, maybe even more than that, because you are you-as-you/reader, character-as-character/read, you-as-character(s)/co-performer.

i love song lyrics for the same reason. hearing exACTly what you (or not you) felt/said/experienced/thought set to music is this transformative event. i cannot remember who said this, but empathy is when your consciousness proceeds from the me to the not me to the not-not me. or some such thing. i still get my theory a bit muddled. ah, well, i will sort it all through.
empathic knowing ... concept to pursue further into my thesis work. for now i must go write my grunty philosophy paper.
until later -

peace out.