So I finally joined. Of course I owe it all to Mneylu! Thank you hunny! I will be having improper thought about you all night, now, of course.
Not that that's different from any other night.
So recently my sexuality has been called into question - moreso by a friend who flat out said: Dude, you're bi.
In highschool I actually came out, thinking that I was. But then I shyed away from the idea of datin girls or wanting to really hook up with them. I have an affinity for beauty and a lot of girls are beautiful inside or out - doesn't matter. Beauty is in the eye of this perticular beholder.
So I coined a phrase. I call it "flexibly straight". I am not bicurious because I have been there and done that. But I also still maintain that I do not want to date a girl, nor try to purposefully get one into bed.
I say this in the sense of "If a situation arises..." dot dot dot. I'm free and open enough with sexuality, especially my own to know when to get on top and have some fun.
And that's my mini first rant for today. So there.
Not that that's different from any other night.
So recently my sexuality has been called into question - moreso by a friend who flat out said: Dude, you're bi.
In highschool I actually came out, thinking that I was. But then I shyed away from the idea of datin girls or wanting to really hook up with them. I have an affinity for beauty and a lot of girls are beautiful inside or out - doesn't matter. Beauty is in the eye of this perticular beholder.
So I coined a phrase. I call it "flexibly straight". I am not bicurious because I have been there and done that. But I also still maintain that I do not want to date a girl, nor try to purposefully get one into bed.
I say this in the sense of "If a situation arises..." dot dot dot. I'm free and open enough with sexuality, especially my own to know when to get on top and have some fun.
And that's my mini first rant for today. So there.
Imagine that someone who is really really close-mindedly straight as sitting at the end of a very long see-saw. It would take a lot for that person's see-saw to tip to the other side (the homosexual side). Now, imagine a bisexual who tends to go straight for a while and then flip over the homosexual and stay there for a while. I see that person with a medium see-saw, but they like to sit near the middle. Easy to tip, but can stay on one side for a while. So, maybe you're straight, but you have a short see-saw. All you need to tip to the other side is jump. But you tend to settle back to the straight side. ??