1. What is the middle name of the first person you ever slept with or had sex with?
I have no idea... that was so long ago.
2. What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color?
I'm not...
3. What is the song you want played at your funeral?
I haven't thought about it, honestly. I'm hoping that along the journey of my life I'll figure it out, but not now.
4. What would your last meal be before getting executed?
Aryn made me this really good couscous and veggie dish... or her bean and cheese chimichangas (sp?) are amazing too... but I'll never get another ever...
5. Beatles or Stones?
6. If you HAD to pick one person on earth who should die, who would it be?
Bush Jr.
7. The person whose problems you would never want to hear again?
This girl Katharine I know... she has just too many to try to listen to them.
8. What is the thing most important to you (physical) about the preferred sex?
Eyes... it's all about the damn eyes.
9. Do you secretly hate some of your friends but are too nice to reject them?
I do not HATE any of my friends. I have friends that irk me on occasion, but I would never be friends with someone I hated... though I tell my roomate I hate him a lot (I don't mean it... *shh* don't tell him)!
10. If you could have any super power what would it be?
I know it's going to sound super retarded... but I'd like to be able to create peace wherever I go.
11. Favorite hangover cure?
I put pom juice in my alcohol and the antioxidants keep me grom having one! Other than that... tylenol and gatorade.
12. How many drinks does it take to get you drunk?
*laughs* About a half a glass or so...
13. Favorite Song Lyric?
"Don't think you're immune to gravity and stuff" Dresden Dollgs
14. Hair color you most like someone you're dating to have?
15. If you had to be blind or deaf?
Blind... I could never go without hearing, I wouldn't be able to sing if I couldn't hear.
16. Do you have any psychiatric problems?
Undiagnosed slight depression.
17. Siblings that should go to rehab?
Nope... my only sibling is 4.
18. Least favorite month?
March... cause Spring isn't here yet and Winter won't go away.
19. First movie you can remember seeing as a kid?
20. Favorite person in the whole world?
Probably my roomate... again... don't tell!
21. When's the last time you went on a date?
Last Friday.
22. Do you like violent movies or dirty movies?
23. Fall or spring?
Fall when the leaves are just beginning to fall and pile and it's just cold enough for a light jacket and Spring when the flowers are finally up and you can feel Summer in the air.
24. Person you most wish you hadn't made out with?
...They were all fun!
25. If you are straight, what person of the same sex would you do it with?
I'm bi... um... how does that work for this question?
26. Where do you want to live when you are old and brittle?
On the beach in a cute little cape cod with a huge library in it.
27. Who is the person or persons you can count on the most?
My roomate, my mother (as of late, a few years ago she is the last person I would have put on this list), my grandparents, my cousins, my best friend Maia.
28. If you could date any celebrity past or present, time and age who would it be?
Julia Stiles, or Jessica Alba, or Majandra Delfino...
29. What books have you pretended you've read?
Oh Goddess...Lord of The Flies... for 12th grade English.
30. What's a word you would use to describe your life?
... odd
31. Favorite drinking game?
Don't really have one... I'm not a heavy drinker though.
32. What did you dream last night?
I had a dream that morphed into another dream that morphed into another dream that woke me up...
Or I'll have to kiss your ass.
[Edited on Jun 04, 2006 9:45PM]