EDIT: Set up finally.. sorry bout that guys.. -NoxStryx
Okay... so I'm getting kinda antsy about the pics going up and if my "Photographer" (By the way we really need to make up a fake name for you so I don't have to keep saying that so when you read this send me a message with a fake name or I'll start calling you Bob) hasn't put them up by Sunday night then I will take on the arduous task of getting them down to proper size and posting all of them. For now please enjoy a picture of my daughter! (Hopefully this will work..)
Isn't she adorable? Her name is Esmeralda (Ezzie for short) and I got her Wednesday night! Chris (my roomate) got one too... let me see if I can get a pic of her up too...
Her name is Pobel (there are supposed to be two dots over the o) which means rabble in German... Chris names all his animals in German and I name all of mine after Disney characters. I'll give you a cookie if you can tell me what movie Esmeralda is from WITHOUT googling it!
Okay... so I'm getting kinda antsy about the pics going up and if my "Photographer" (By the way we really need to make up a fake name for you so I don't have to keep saying that so when you read this send me a message with a fake name or I'll start calling you Bob) hasn't put them up by Sunday night then I will take on the arduous task of getting them down to proper size and posting all of them. For now please enjoy a picture of my daughter! (Hopefully this will work..)

Isn't she adorable? Her name is Esmeralda (Ezzie for short) and I got her Wednesday night! Chris (my roomate) got one too... let me see if I can get a pic of her up too...

Her name is Pobel (there are supposed to be two dots over the o) which means rabble in German... Chris names all his animals in German and I name all of mine after Disney characters. I'll give you a cookie if you can tell me what movie Esmeralda is from WITHOUT googling it!

It was nice meeting you. 

very nice set your mid section is amazing