Well, two exams out of the way, three to go. My Fitness and Wellness exam was a joke. I expect at least a B in that class if not an A. Spanish, which I just took, was a lot harder. I'm hoping to pull off a C on that test and a C in the class overall as well. We'll see. Tomorrow is English, which I've actually already taken the test for the paper is just due tomorrow, so I have to write that tonight. I'm expecting an A on that test, an A- or B+ on the paper and a B in the class. Thursday is World Civ. Dear sweet Goddess I have no idea what I'm going to pull on the test or in the class for that one. I'm hoping at least a D. *laughs* We'll see. Friday is Psych. I'm expecting a B on the test and in the class as well. Overall I'm thinking that I'll keep my GPA about a 2.5 so that I can keep my academic scholarship. We'll see.
There really isn't much else to say. I can't wait for this week to be over and summer to start.
Also I just put up some more photos from that set I did in March. Check them out if you feel like it, they were just going to waste on my comp. as it was.
There really isn't much else to say. I can't wait for this week to be over and summer to start.
Also I just put up some more photos from that set I did in March. Check them out if you feel like it, they were just going to waste on my comp. as it was.

Nice photos! I like your DoS t-shirt.