Okay... I still don't have internet at my house yet and probably won't for at least another week or so. Therefore my SG time is severely limited which sucks. I am neglecting all my groups... *pouts*
The apartment is coming along splendidly... we still don't have any furniture in the living room, but this should change this weekend. My parents should be bringing over the futon then and we should eventually be getting the hutch from my parents as well to put a TV on. On that note, my friend Katie offered to give me one of her old TVs so I will have one of those again. My grandparents are also donating a reclining chair as soon as they can find a way to get it down here from NY.
Now for the best news in the entire world! I entered two of my poems into a poetry competition at my school. This year they decided not to give out first prize/second prize/etc... because they didn't have any poems that they thought were so amazing that they wanted to award a first prize to it (burn...), but two poets did get honorable mentions which comes with a hundred dollars! I was one of them! My two poems are going to be published! *jumpes up and down* I am sooooo excited! I never win anything... *laughs* I've typed the poems up so you guys can decide if the judges were right....
Another Fix
I give myself to you
with your harsh demands.
Our bodies intermingle
and your thoughts reach me,
like hardened snow in winter.
Another unromantic tryst
under cover of night.
After which you vanish
like a dream in the dawn.
A fate that I try to block out,
like a child,
fingers in my ears,
humming as loudly as I can.
I am your latest fix.
Nothing more.
Innards twisting,
A gnawing at my heart,
Hesitation at this feeling,
I can picture her,
Red lips between them.
My face flushes,
Crimson as pomegranate,
Searing as magma.
A flutter or gauzy winge,
A butterfly of a thought,
Tremulous hope,
Maybe I am wrong.
The apartment is coming along splendidly... we still don't have any furniture in the living room, but this should change this weekend. My parents should be bringing over the futon then and we should eventually be getting the hutch from my parents as well to put a TV on. On that note, my friend Katie offered to give me one of her old TVs so I will have one of those again. My grandparents are also donating a reclining chair as soon as they can find a way to get it down here from NY.
Now for the best news in the entire world! I entered two of my poems into a poetry competition at my school. This year they decided not to give out first prize/second prize/etc... because they didn't have any poems that they thought were so amazing that they wanted to award a first prize to it (burn...), but two poets did get honorable mentions which comes with a hundred dollars! I was one of them! My two poems are going to be published! *jumpes up and down* I am sooooo excited! I never win anything... *laughs* I've typed the poems up so you guys can decide if the judges were right....
Another Fix
I give myself to you
with your harsh demands.
Our bodies intermingle
and your thoughts reach me,
like hardened snow in winter.
Another unromantic tryst
under cover of night.
After which you vanish
like a dream in the dawn.
A fate that I try to block out,
like a child,
fingers in my ears,
humming as loudly as I can.
I am your latest fix.
Nothing more.
Innards twisting,
A gnawing at my heart,
Hesitation at this feeling,
I can picture her,
Red lips between them.
My face flushes,
Crimson as pomegranate,
Searing as magma.
A flutter or gauzy winge,
A butterfly of a thought,
Tremulous hope,
Maybe I am wrong.
wow you would have been that girl i would have secretly had a crush on in highschool but would have been to scared to tell you and then would have figured out you were into girls and would have been justified in not saying anything.
wow that was a long way of saying you are beautiful.