So another chapter closed on my life with one friend in particular.

I was thinking about that and how interesting our book has been so far.

With that I had tried to start a book about a fictional band that was comprised of characters influenced by those in my life. That book died quickly based on the fact that is was not interesting.

Well then...
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congrats on gettin your shit straight! Sounds like you have a definite plan.
I know I should probably refrain from writing anything on this subject but it is hard to not put my thoughts down somewhere. I am not even that connected to Virginia Tech. My best friend works there in a building that is only a few hundred feet from where the first two were shot. I have been there several times, but I am not that...
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thanx for your comment on my set!
i totally agree!!!
So I feel like an ass. I pulled some tricks that were pulled on me when I was younger. I was at a friend's place. We have had some communication issues and things have been a bit uneasy but we are trying to be friends. I was on the computer and noticed an interesting email so i looked at it. It kind of angered me....
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Hey ~ I was just checking in cause I know the last time you weren't feeling so well. I am very sorry to hear about the problem with your friend. Sometimes though things happen for a reason, if she wasn't being honest with you it is probably better that you found out.

Keep your chin up and I hope you feel better soon.

I know I made the wish list of material things, but one of my SG friends gave me a good idea of more of a wish list for life. This will be a very abbreviated list as would anyone's list that actually wrote this down and tried to do it in one night, but here goes nothing.

  • Find someone to keep me happy all the...
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Thanks for commenting on my blog. I am glad that it all made sense, at the time I wrote it I had just woke up and I had all kinds of exciting thoughts running through my head - just glad I was able to convey most of it.

Glad you made the list - things like that are never complete. If you are lucky enough to complete one thing it is usually replaced by another while other things are forever in progess. Good to get them all down on paper though, take them one at a time or it will get overwhelming.

As far as the social thing goes - I know how you feel, when we get older it gets harder and harder to make friends - People in general are less friendly and harder to talk to and there is less opportunity. Margate is right once you find your groove (meet a couple of new people) you will start to feel more confident and trusting. In the interim just hang in there.

Thanks again for your comments.
kiss kiss
hmmm. interesting.
So about this wishlist...

I think I am a little weird because I thought about putting things on there that I would like to see my lady wear. Of course not knowing who my lady is or what she would like makes it weird. So I would have a bunch of lingerie, etc. (even though no one is going to buy me anything - this...
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feel better damnit.
oh, i didn't realize it was a wishlist for things, thought it was like a wishlist for what you wanted from your life....not up on the latest lingo.....my bad.
So if i took the time to make a wish list would anyone care? I am just looking for things to do on the days I am bored at work and I thought that it might be an option.

So I'll be getting my tax return in a few weeks. I think my last job took me for everything I am, but then again I...
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beautiful progression ~~ Thanks.


I think lists of any kind are interesting.....I have to make a million of them or else I would never remember anything. If you decide to share I would love to read it.
Thanks, school is ok - just really busy right now.

kiss kiss
You know the saying goes you can't go home again. For me, I know I can go home, but then I take on others' burdens. That is just me though. I know what I am getting into, but I want to help so bad. I know I have money issues right now that will begin to resolve themselves with this new job (I hope). It...
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yes youd better stop by and say hi!!! or else!!!! (does that sound threatening at all...? i tried )
I haven't got to watch it yet. Dammit!

Ok so this might not come out real well but I like to consider myself a pretty sensitive guy. Of course I have been an asshole too, but haven't we all? I just feel like it may be time for the sensitive side to dominate for some reason. I think it is just getting to be a time where I am unsure of how my...
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Some people adjust to change differently then others. Sounds as if you have lots going on all at once and that can make anyone feel overwhelmed. Time will bring it all together. smile
Happy Holidays to everyone.

Have a fun new years. What is everyone doing? I have no plans yet.
I'm not sure what I'm doing for New Years eve. I've had several invitations to various events... guess I won't know until I'm actually doing it. Hope you have a great New Year! kiss
thanks smile
Stuck in the middle without you....

So I am winding down one job and then I will have about 2 weeks before I start all over again. This is the time where you just have to go with what you know and try to feel comfortable. I really don't have work to do at my current job and I feel like I just want to...
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yeah, im cryptic. unless you know me well enough... then, my language will speak to you.

doubt that will ever happen though.
Dude, I never realized you live in Pittsburgh, and you love Mitch too! I friggin love him, I made a Mitch 'o lantern in tribute, it's in my pics folders if you're curious. Will your new job allow you to have the lip ring?